Now there's some customer service :-)

Aug 24, 2010 09:57

So I have a link to the Merriam-Webster dictionary site at the top of my browser. Because every morning I get a random puzzle to solve. Word games, spelling, definitions, what have you. I find it keeps me on my toes vocabulary-wise and also the idea of a brain puzzler every morning seems to be a healthy thing to do. Mom used to do crossword puzzles every morning; I did them for years but I got away from it, too many arent-I-clever grid designers out there more interested in the little tricks than the words themselves. But I've been doing this site for more than 5 years, ever since I had that temp job at IGT designing and naming bingo card patterns (don't ask, I still don't understand it either) and needed that site to "find more words"

So the site went under a redesign, and it looks pretty but... my Game of the Day link is gone. GONE! But I need it! Because normally I'm only halfway through coffee and brain is not yet on. Their game link links to all their games. I don't WANT all the games. Just one random game a day. That's all I ask.

So I filled out their feedback box yesterday:

>what have you done with my Game of the Day? It's like my daily
>crossword, only online. I don't want all your games, just one per
>day. Please put the link back up.

Figuring it was gone and I'd never see it again and my morning routine (GOD I am so programmed) is ruined...

Well, this morning I get this awesomest of messages:

Dear Sir or Madam:

Your e-mail has been brought to my attention.

Thank you for your comments regarding the new design of

We appreciate your taking the time to write.  In the busyness of redesigning
the site, we neglected to include a link for the Daily Word Game.  We will
be restoring that link as soon as possible.

Our user's experience is of the utmost importance to us, and we thank you
again for your comments and continued use of


Vicky Harley
Technical Support Coordinator
Merriam-Webster, Inc.
Wow, super politeness! And I was heard! And the link will be restored! And my mornings will be full of brain starting games again! O joy!

And I am a Sir or Madam. I love that most of all.

I don't have a game this morning yet but my day got started right despite that. Thank you, person on the internet. I await the return of the link.

And now, more coffee.

no not my favorite!

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