From My Twitter Feed

Jul 14, 2010 18:01

  • 18:03 @ MSNBC #tworst "Steinbrenner picked a good year to die, financially speaking" #WTFwereyouthinking #badform #
  • 09:18 Sarah Palin is not a grizzly bear mama. She is a drama llama mama. #
  • 09:43 The Periodic Table Of Swearing #
  • 11:58 via @huffingtonpost: Rape Victim's Choice: Risk AIDS or Health Insurance #
  • 13:26 @ WillRogersUSA Jesse James is an outlaw. Jessie and James are Team Rocket from Pokemon. Seriously. XD #
  • 13:33 iPhone 4 Silent Recall: Some Readers Confirm #
  • 14:14 an actual update of what I'm doing? Why yes! Watching Avatar The Last Airbender season 1, oogling Japanese paper doll books from Amazon, and #
  • 14:15 (con't) sorting thru the magazines and crap on the coffee table (finally!) #
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