Extra! Extra!!

Oct 24, 2006 14:07

Latta's is basically sold.  A couple came in last week adn wanted to buy it- my mom really liked them.  They got the loan on thursday or Friday, gave my mom the deposit yesterday, and are getting the paperwork taken care of today or tomorrow.  We'll train them and then it's over.  I'll probably stay on until I find something else- I'm not financially stable enough to take a couple weeks off.  Hopefully I'll find something soon.  I'm still looking into the airlines so I can fly to see you all at random and frequent times.  Lynn's going to help me with my resume when she gets back from China.  I really wish I could go with her but I don't think I can afford it- I jsut bought a season pass to the slopes.  (I think I'll hit A- Basin this friday.  They were the first in the country to open for, like, the sixth year in a row.  Not a lot of runs are open but it should be pretty empty so who cares?)    I'm not totally sure where I am with the whole Latta's being sold thing.  I mean, I'm ok, really.  It's just not totally real yet.

Related to that, but really random is that my mom wants to move to Ft Collins.  She likes it up there so if she can find a job near there she's going to move.  But she doesn't want to sell the house.  Instead she wants to rent it- to me.  All I have to do is find a couple of roommates.  It won't be until the beginning of the year, I dont' think.  I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.  I have no idea who to live with.  And I haven't had to pay rent in forever. My mom's paying a big chunk of my car off for me so that will help but still... Now I really got to find a good job or I have to build my business.  It's getting there.  $300 every other month isn't bad.  I'll be excited when its at $300 every month.  That will really be great.  That would be my rent, actually, not including utilities.

Anyway, thought I'd let you guys know. 
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