I'm bored and feel like doing surveys. So suck it up.
9 lasts --
9. last place you were: at home
8. last cigarette: I don't smoke, but it was at Molly's brother's house
7. last beverage: water at dinner
6. last movie seen: 40 year old virgin
5. last phone call: my dad
4. last cd played: The Fray? I'm pretty sure it was.
3. last BUBBLE bath: when I was like...6
2. last time you cried: May 5th...leaving JMU
1. last alcoholic drink: Hmmm...the "sleepover/bonfire" night
8 have you evers --
8. have you ever dated someone twice: nope
7. Have you ever been cheated on: nope
6. have you ever cheated on someone: nope
5. have you ever kissed someone you regret: not really
4. have you ever fallen in love: nope
3. have you ever lost someone: yeah
2. have you ever been depressed: not really
1. have you ever been drunk and thrown up: haha yes!
7 states/countries you've been to:
Easy...Washington, Pennsylvania, Virginia, California, Mexico, Canada, North Carolina
6 things you've done today:
1. went for a run
2. laid by the pool
3. ate ice cream for lunch
4. watched the World Cup
5. cooked a smelly piece of meat
6. loaded pictures onto the computer
5 places you want to visit (made this up since there was nothing for 5)
1. France
2. London
3. Spain
4. Hershey Park
5. Germany
4 people you can tell pretty much anything to --
1. Megan
2. Katie
3. Shorty
4. on certain days...Molly
3 favorite colors --
2 things you want to do before you die --
2. fall in love
1. go on a cruise
So Far in '06 I have:
[x] broken a promise
[x] made a new friend
[ ] fallen in love (yea i'm in love right now)
[ ] fallen out of love
[x] done something you swore never to do
[ ] lied (to a cop)
[x] laughed until you cried
[ ] stole
[x] went behind your parents back
[x] cried over an ex
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hidden a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] got arrested
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[x] forgot your new years resolution
[x] met someone who changed your life
[ ] met one of your idols
[ ] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[x] left the state (I'm out of the state right now)
[ ] almost died
[x] drank yourself retarded
[ ] lost someone close to you
[ ] been to the hospital
[x] gotten closer to someone
[ ] streaked
[x] cried over someone
[ ] broken up with a gf or bf
[ ] given up something important to you
[ ] talked on the phone all night
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try
[x] found out who your true friends were
[x] made a total fool of yourself
[x] met great people
[x] gotten really drunk
[x] kissed someone you never thought you would
[ ] already regret something
1.) Nervous habits: crack my knuckles
2.) Are you double jointed? in my thumb!
3.) Can you roll your tounge? NO
4.) Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yes
5.) Can you blow spit bubbles? if i have a lot of saliva
6.) Can you cross your eyes? yes
7.) Tattoos: No
8.) Piercings: my ears
9.) Do you make your bed daily? yep, my mom would kill me
10.) Which shoe goes on first? right
11.) Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown them at anyone? yes
12.) On the average, how much money do you carry? whatever i have
13.) What jewelry do you wear 24/7? earrings, hair bands, JMARMI bracelet
14.) Favorite piece of clothing? all of my jeans
15.) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? don't eat it
16.) Have you ever eaten Spam? nope
17.) Favorite ice cream flavor: Cookie dough/chocolate fudge
18.) How many cereals in your cabinet? 1
19.) What's your favorite beverage? water
20.) What was the last restaurant you went to? hmmm...Ruby Tuesdays?
21.) Do you cook? no
22.) How often do you brush your teeth? 2 times a day
23.) Hair drying method: blow dry, then straighten
24.) Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair? mever
25.) Do you swear? sure, sometimes
26.) Do you ever spit? if i need to
27.) Belch? i can't do it!
28.) Scratch your crotch? if it itches, scratch it!
29.) Animal: dogs?
30.) Food: BACON
31.) Month: November
32.) Day: FRIDAY!
33.) Cartoon: Dimitri from Anastasia!
34.) Shoe Brand: whatev
35.) Subject in school: SMAD!
36.) Color: bllllue
37.) Sport to watch: football, soccer, basketball
38.) TV Show: American Idol, Greys Anatomy
39.) Thing to do in the spring: go on strolls around JMU/quadding
40.) Thing to do in the summer: swim/tan
41.) Thing to do in the fall: same as spring
42.) Thing to do in the winter: play in the snow! drink hot chocolate
43.) In the CD Player: The Fray
44.) Do you regularly check yourself out in store window mirrors? Just to make sure I'm all straightened
45.) What color is your bedroom? off white
46.) Do you use an alarm clock? if i need to wake up
47.) Window seat or aisle? window seat!
48.) What's your sleeping position? stomach or on my right side, sometimes belly up
49.) Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? YES!
50.) Do you snore? nope
51.) Do you sleepwalk? Nope
52.) Do you talk in your sleep? Nope
53.) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? of course!
54.) Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on? sometiems
1. How old do you wish you were? GOTDAMN 21!!
2. Where were you when 9/11 happened? At home in Seattle
3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? kick it and swear at it
4. Do you consider yourself kind? yes
5. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? on my back?
6. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be? Italian
7. Do you know your neighbors? Not at all
8. What do you consider a vacation? Someplace to RELAX!
9. Do you follow your horoscope? nope
10. Would you move for the person you loved? yes, I would
11. Are you touchy feely? that's a negative
12. Do you believe that opposites attract? it's possible
13. Dream job? working in a production studio
14. Favorite channels? ABC, ESPN, MTV, VH1, Disney, ABC Family
15. Favorite place to go on weekends? dunno, where ever i end up!
16. Showers or Baths? shower
17. Do you paint your nails? nope
18. Do you trust people easily? not at all
19. What are your phobias? being rejected, dropping things from high heights
20. Do you want kids? not right now
21. Do you keep a handwritten journal? Sometimes.
22. Where would you rather be right now? out doing things!
23. Who makes you feel warm and fuzzy? my friends!
24. Heavy or light sleeper? it depends on how tired i am
25. Are you paranoid? at times
26. Are you impatient? no, i'm actually VERY patient
27. Who can you relate to? my friends mostly
28. How do you feel about interracial couples? Sure?
29. Have you been burned by love? Hah. YES!
30. What’s your favorite pick up line? You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day.
31. What's your main ring tone on your mobile? one of the standard ones that comes with the phone
32. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching the NBA finals
33. What did the last text on your cell phone say? "what are you doing friday nite?"
34. Whose bed did you sleep in last night? Mine.
35. What color shirt are you wearing? purple
36. Most recent movie you watched? 40 year old virgin
37. Name three things you have on you at all times? cell phone, keys, hair bands
38. What color are your bed sheets? multi-colored
39. How much cash do you have on you right now? I have NO idea
40. What is your favorite part of the chicken? I only eat chicken fingers, so whatever part that is
41. What's your favorite town/city? SEATTLE
42. I can't wait till: I go back to JMU!
43. Who got you to join mindsay? mind say what?
44. What did you have for dinner last night? bread and ice cream cake, healthy, yes
45. How tall are you barefoot? 5'8?
46. Have you ever smoked heroin? no
47. Do you own a gun? no
48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? milk or water
49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? sarcasm and my fantastic good looks, PSH!
50. Do you have A.D.D.? no
51. What time did you wake up today? 10:30
52. Current worry? just keeping my job
53. Current hate? don't hate, celebrate
54. Favorite place to be? at JMU
55. Where would you like to travel? EUROPE
56. Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs? who the hell knows? somewhere with a good job and hopefully someone I love
57. Last thing you ate? ice cream cake
58. What songs do you sing in the shower? whatever is in my head
59. Last thing that made you laugh? some RAZR phone commercial
60. Worst injury you've ever had? ankle sprain (my whole foot turned purple)
61. Does someone have a crush on you? Probably not
62. What's your favorite candy? CHOCOLATE
63. What song do you want played at your funeral? don't want to think about it
[x] you own a jersey
[x] you like being sweaty
[ ] you love mud
[x] you've played at least one sport on a team
[x] you've played more than 1 sport
[ ] you hate pink
[x] you love hoodies and jeans
[x] pranks are fun
[x] dogs are better than cats
[x] its funny when people get hurt
Total = 8
[x] shopping is torture
[x] pulling heads off dolls isnt creepy.. its fun
[x] you dont cry
[ ] sad movies suck
[x] girl drama is stupid
[x] painting your nails is weird/stupid
[x] you own a ps2
[ ]you own an xbox
[ ] you own a gamecube
[x] at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter
[x] you own a psp
Total = 8
[x] you used to be obsessed with power rangers
[x] you watch sports center
[x] sports on tv are awesome
[ ] glory movies are the best!
[x] you arent scared of anything
[ ] you take part in "male bonding"
[ ] you only go to your dad for advice
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball caps
[x] you aren't sensitive
[x] no pain no gain
Total = 6
[x] you like going to football games
[x] night games rock
[ ] spiders and bugs are cool
[x] you like to freak out your sister or brother
[ ] you used to or do collect baseball cards
[x] saggy pants are cool
[ ] you get sports illustrated/other sports/ guy magazine
[x] fire is cool
[x] you don't babysit
[ ] you're immature
Total = 6
[x] its kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[ ] green black red or blue or silver are your favorite color(s)
[ ] romantic comedies are boring
[x] you dont care about watching your weight
[x] you hate dressing up
[ ] you dont care about your hair
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what people think
[x] climbing is fun
[x] contact sports like football are fun
Total= 6
how guyish are youuu! to find out count up the number of x's in each box and multiply by 2.
I'm 68% guyish
repost with "i'm __% guyish"
1. Cheated on someone? never
2. Fallen off the bed? as a kid
3. Broken someone's heart? probably
4. Had your heart broken? yes
5. Had a dream come true? sure?
6.Something you regret? no
1. Wearing? JMU gear
2. Color of your hair? brown
3. Have any piercings? ears
4. How many? 2, 1 on each ear
5. Smoke? no
6. Tattoo? no
1. Hugged? Megan
2. IMed? Molly
3. Talked on the phone to? dad
4. Yelled at today? Adam? just jokingly of course
1. What do you want to be when you finish school? post production editor for movies
2. What has been the best day of your life? I've had lots
3. What comes first in your life? family
4. What are you most scared of? losing my family
5. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? the people i love
6. Did you ever lose someone you really loved? yes
7. Love your family? yes
1. Movie: CRASH
2. Song: Over My Head - The Fray
3. Ice Cream flavor: Cookie Dough
4. Fruit: grapes
5. Candy: reeses or milky way
6. Day of the Week: FRIDAY
7. Color: white or blue
1. Like to give hugs? sure, I don't mind it
2. Like to walk in the rain? OH YES
3. Prefer black or white? white
5. Sleep on your side? sometimes
6. Have a goldfish: no
7. Ever have the falling dream?: yes
8. Have stuffed animals?: yes
1. Pierced nose or tongue?: tongue
2. MTV or BET?: mtv
3. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: 7th Heaven
4. Sugar or salt? : salt
5. Silver or gold?: silver
6. Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
7. Color or Black-and-white photos?: black and white
8. m&ms or skittles?: skittles
9. Stay up late or sleep in?: BOTH!
10. Hot or cold? hot
11. Ketchup or mustard?: neither
12. Spring or Fall?: Spring
13. Happy or sad? Happy
14. Wonder or amazement?: amazement
16. O.C. or Laguna Beach?: Laguna
What was...
The last movie you watched? 40 Year Old Virgin
The last song you listened to? Whatever was on the radio
The last book you read? Da Vinci Code
The last thing you ate? Ice cream cake
The last thing you drank? water
The last scent you smelled? that DISGUSTING meat
The last dessert you ate? ice cream cake lol
The last thing you fell over? my own feet
The last picture you took? the sparkler picture with my chicas
The last person you kissed? that random JMU kid, Brian's friend lol
The last person you hugged? Megan
The last person you talked to? Dad
The last person who made you cry? Chris, well actually Sammy but that was a happy cry
The last person who made you laugh? Dad
The last person you saw? Dad
The last person you dated? Chris
The last person you loved? my family and friends
The last person who spent time with you? well besides my family...Megan, Katie and Sierra
The last person you hated? Stephanie
The last person who was mean to you? stupid customers at Gap
The last person who was nice to you? my family and friends, I guess?
The last time you ate? 2 hours ago maybe
The last time you slept? 10:30 am
The last time you used the bathroom? a LONG time ago, weird.
The last time you cried? when Chris bitched me out on the phone
The last time you laughed? REALLY laughed hard...Katie's bday party
The last time you hurt yourself? never?
The last time that you read? I read things all the time
The last time that you listened to a CD all the way through? In the car? The Fray
The last time you spent a night over at someone else's house? Molly's, a couple of weeks ago
The last time you spent with a friend? Thursday
The last time you cursed?: not sure
The last time you prayed?: not sure
The last time you wished you were dead? never
The last time you wished someone else was dead?: never
The last time you wished you didn't have to end something? Thursday
The last time you played a videogame? DDR months ago
The last time you watched TV? earlier today
The last time you wrote something down on paper? uploading pictures on thursday night
The last time you smiled?: dunno
The last time you were truly happy? i'm always happy
The last time that you were sad? saying bye to megan on Thursday
The last time you told someone that you loved them? around 3ish, to my bro
The last time you talked on the phone? around 6ish
The last time you posted on an internet forum? JJB, awhile ago
The last time you sent an email? I don't really do e-mail
The last time you used IM programs to talk to someone? Molly, earlier today
The last time you updated your blog/webpage/livejournal/etc.? right now
The last time that you sat and thought about your life? last night
The last time in which you declared "I hate you!"?: today? I was kidding though
The last time you downloaded something off the internet? at school
Okay, I'm bored. Survey out.