"To each, his own ca-ca smells sweet --- but do not be fooled by this." - Forrest Gump

May 29, 2003 17:52

SURVEY! I got this from 3 Twist Magazines... Feel free to steal 'em from me. Lol.

which is worse...?!

Dating a dumb, cute guy OR Dating a smart, ugly guy? Dating a DUMB, CUTE guy. It's personality for me. (Yeah right!) But honestly, I'd rather date a smart, but ugly guy. No one cares, right?!

Having no fingernails OR Having no toenails? Having no FINGERNAILS. They're more obvious. Like Sabs! Ewww...

Swallowing vomit OR Barfing on your crush? BARFING on my CRUSH. It's more embarassing. Totally!

Getting dumped on Valentine's Day OR Dumping your bf on your anniversary? DUMPING your BF on your ANNIVERSARY. I'd rather dump a person, anytime, anywhere, than get dumped. Lol.

Being a bad kisser OR Being a bad flirt? Being a bad FLIRT, I guess 'coz you'll never get the guy. (And get kissed!)

Sitting on a toilet seat with pee in it OR Walking into a stall that hasn't been flushed? Definitely WALKING INTO A STALL that HASN'T been FLUSHED. Eww... I've experienced it quite a few times, and it's not great.

Being stuck on an island with your ex OR Being stuck on an island with your little bro? 1st things 1st, I don't have a little bro so I wouldn't know what it feels. I guess being stuck on an island with MY LIL BRO is worse. If you're with your ex, you may patch things up, and get back together. *hint*

Not shaving your legs OR Not shaving your armpits? LEGS, I guess, 'coz I wear shorts a lot. (Not as much as her.) Lol.

Being told your fly is open OR Being told you have food in your teeth? FOOD in my TEETH, definitely. So embarassing kaya! With you fly, there's a code name! XYZ!

Wetting your pants OR Crapping your pants? Definitely, CRAPPING your pants. Lol. That's gross. There's a certain smell eh. With pee, you can pass it off as water. Lol. But I've never done that, if that's what you're thinking.

Stinking up the bathroom OR People THINKING you stunk up the bathroom? People THINKING. That is so embarrassing! It's like, I didn't do it, but I'm blaimed for it. That sucks.

Never getting phone calls OR Never getting e-mails? Never getting PHONE CALLS. I'd rather not have e-mails. Junk mail! Lol. And forwards.

Going to the movies alone OR Going to the movies with your parents? Going to the movies ALONE. I don't mind going with my parents. It's alone that sucks. You have no one to laugh/cry/get scared with.

Having the same crush as your enemy OR Having the same prom dress as your enemy? Probably, same CRUSH. Argh! She might steal him away from me!

Your boyfriend hitting on other girls OR Your boyfriend hitting on other guys? Boyfriend hitting on OTHER GUYS, definitely. Eww... A gay boyfriend! I wouldn't want that.

Falling face-first in dog-poop OR Slipping backward into a cow-pie? I don't really know what cow-pie is, but I wouldn't wanna be FACE FIRST on DOG POOP. That is just sick.

Farting in front of your crush OR Farting in front of your class? CRUSH, pare, crush. That is SO embarrassing. I always fart in front of my friends, anyway. Lol. Sssshhh...

Finding a used condom OR Finding a used tampon? BOTH. They were both put *ehem* you-know-where.
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