Nov 25, 2003 14:00
Got through all three periods today. Phew. I made myself. No was not an option.
I took my Medea quiz... very easy. There was a math quiz but I spent the period with Falvey having him explain most of what i've missed to me. He's a great teacher. I can't reinstate that enough. Then off the acting. :) I got to run the opening to "The Governess"(which is a scene from the play which I narrate for). It made me happy. All 5 seconds of being on stage and I'm giddy already. Wowsers.
Seventeen days until Cabaret! Twenty-Five days until the Dominican! I saw Markie today. He grew. Stupid shmuck. I was gonna hit him and yell at him for growing but I woulda been late for math.
I have my cardiogram soon.. I'm a tad freaked that they'll find something. I won't show it though. Must be calm, cool, and collected. Yeah so ima go. Oy. I hope i'm as ok as can be under given circumstances.