vk cahpter 51 !

Jun 22, 2009 21:07


so im soooooooo exited for the next chapter of vampire knight that im posting an entry about its release ★

who knew it would come out first in china? even 2 days before its release in japan.

well i think the translated version would come either tues, wed, or thurs.

here's a quote form the summary ive read from sgk

Yuuki tells Kaname "Yes... which means that my hunger will never be completely, 100% sated... Because even now, there's one chunk of my heart that remains attached to a link I can't cut. Attached to Zero." yay zero!

yes IM starting to get OBSSESSED!! or am i already? :D ★★

..maybe i'll write a review after i read it ★


ps. thanks sgk
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