Jan 01, 2006 01:39

Happy New Year, everyone! I rang in the new year with the exact same people as last year... Deepthi and Nandini. And I have a feeling, we're gonna be together next year, too, and maybe the year after... seems like a growing tradition. I just thought I'd write a little summary of this past year... the good and the bad.

-Got into Carnegie Mellon, my dream engineering school.
-Went to France
-Graduated high school, started college, and finished a very satisfying first semester
-Went to India for a solid two months (definately the best two months of the year)
-Reached a level of understanding with my mother where we don't fight anymore (not that we really did before, but still)

-My grandmother's one year death anniversary (which came with a whole lot of regret and anger, besides the sadness)
-Not going to Carnegie Mellon (although I've made peace with it, and am ok that I'm at GW)
-I've hurt a couple of people... although unintentially because of drama
-All (except two) high school friends do not go to GW

Huh... I guess it wasn't such a horrible year. Actually, 2005 was good to me. And I really hope 2006 will be better. Especially, since I'm probably going back to India for 7 weeks, if not 3 1/2 months. And I know that seems a lot, but I want to go back... I need to go back. Both my aunt and uncle are getting married, my grandpa has a heart condition (and getting a surgery in a couple of days), my cousin is going to be playing in a tennis championship... there's so much going on, and I don't want to miss a single second of it.

OK, just a little questionnaire I got from someone else's journal:
What did you do in 2005 that you'd never done before?
Went to France. College.

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I actually don't remember my new year's resolutions. But my ones for the next year are to: 1)Go to India this summer 2)Find a co-op job at a consulting firm

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes. My aunt... I have twin cousins!!!!

Did anyone close to you die?
No. My mom's cousin died, but I never really knew her.

What countries did you visit?
France, INDIA

What would you like to have in 2006 that you lacked in 2005?
Less nights where I cry. I was overly emotional last year.

What date from 2005 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
June 11. First time back in India after 6 years.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Getting a full ride to one college and a $150K scholarship to another.

What was your biggest failure?
Not getting into Rice.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing serious. Had a cough for a couple of days, but that's it.

What was the best thing you bought?
I bought my mom this beautiful green and maroon (and expensive) sari in India.
What my parents bought for me? Ticket to India.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
My aunt and uncle... they've been through a lot, and it's great to see they've come out on top.

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Mine. There's always room to improve.

Where did most of your money go?
I don't have money, but whatever I could get my hands on... movies, movies, movies.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Everything. Graduating, going to France, spending the summer in India, visiting the Taj Mahal, college

What song will always remind you of 2005?
Stick with you by Pussycat Dolls? (I have a feeling I got that wrong)

Compared to this time last year, are you...
happier or sadder? same
thinner or fatter? thinner
richer or poorer? Richer, but I desperately need a fixed job.

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Shop! At the time, I felt like I was spending too much, but seriously, how often does one go to France?

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Fight with the sister. It was shocking to actually have fights with her this year... we NEVER used to fight. Nothing that we wouldn't get over in ten seconds, anyways.

How will you be spending New Years Eve?
At Nandini's house with her and Deepthi.

Did you fall in love in 2005?

How many one-night stands?

What was your favorite TV program?
Reunion, Related, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and to a certain extent, One Tree Hill

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don't hate anyone.

What was the best book you read?
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri... if you haven't already, you should. One of the best works of observation you're going to find. HBP was really good, too.

What was your greatest musical discovery?

What did you want and get?
Quite a bit... but the most meaningful one was a diamond pendant and earings from my grandparents.

What was your favorite film of this year?
That's just too hard. If I was forced to... it would be BLACK.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 17, and my other grandpa gave me a huge party at this fancy five star hotel with a whole bunch of family and friends I barely remembered. Not my thing, exactly... but it made him happy, and I'm totally grateful. It was an awesome birthday/ graduation party.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Actually going to Carnegie Mellon.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2005?
The same as always. But I've become more glued into Indian styles as well.

What kept you sane?
My sister. Even if got into some serious fights where we didn't talk for days (which is such a rare thing for us), I couldn't have handled living at home without her.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Adam Brody... I have a soft spot for dorks with a good sense of humor

What political issue stirred you the most?
The nominations for the Supreme Court. If that Alito dude gets it, I think I'm going to scream. I much preferred the old woman (Miers) with the scary eye makeup.

Who did you miss?
My three favorite cousins... when I had to leave them at the airport without saying a proper goodbye.

Who were the best new people you met?
Sonia, EJ, and Ari. Yay to four years of spending half our lives with each other. We'll be the best CS majors ever. (or not)

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2005:
No matter how little I see my cousins... at the end of the day, they're what make me the happiest. Not sure if that's a life lesson though.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
If you know anything about me, it's that I'm not really big into music. I listen, I forget, and that's the end of the story.

I'm gonna end this ridiculously long entry by saying that one of the best things about this past year was that I've become better friends with someone I've known since I was 10. We lost touch over the years, but we've really reconnected this year... and I hope something like this happens in 2006, too.
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