Yes, it is sad. I no longer make it a point to jot down my little rambles into the little text box and hit "update."
It's really not because I don't like you guys. And it's not really because I'm scared that if I keep on posting the intimate details of my life that someday a psycho circus midget with a hacksaw and bad aftershave will hunt me down to collect my fingers for scientific study. Really, I never even think things like that. (You know you've though it before... come on... a little person with a saw? That's freaking scary! I should publish the idea. Perhaps the screenplay could star Jennifer Aniston and the cute little guy from Austin Powers. Only he wouldn't be cute... he'd be EVIL!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA)
But yea, it's pretty much because my life is simply not interesting enough for me to muse over at any consistent rate. I mean sure, there are a ton of things in the world that are interesting, it's just that when those things happen, they tend to happen without my knowledge, and usually they tend to be far, far away.
So, random insight into Will's life for the day:
I am considering moving. Oh, not that I don't think that Tahlequah, Oklahoma isn't going to be experiencing the next big wave of culture and excitement to hit the US since plaid skirts and platform shoes. It's simply because this town has a way of eating your soul. Seriously, I woke up this morning, and found bite marks and slobber all over my soul. Or perhaps that was bite marks on my foot...and the drool was something that I deposited upon my own pillow. (Yes, I drool in my sleep. We all do it at times. I prefer to think of it not as drool, however, and more as an opportunity for the pillow to have a mini-bath.)
So, I'm keeping my eyes open for a good place to move. Preferably somewhere where there is a college within reasonable distance, gainful employment abounds, and where I will be allowed to keep my two little hellions...erm...cats. Oh, and if there is no high speed internet, then count me out as well.
Current prospects are the Broken Arrow/Tulsa area, or perhaps somewhere closer to the Oklahoma City area.
The hard part will be employment, I'm sure. Whereas I do have a little experience in my field, I have no certifications or degree to back it up. So, hopefully I can find somewhere that will allow me to make enough money to pay for rent/utilities/food.
So, if anyone happens upon information that might help steer me in a good direction, or has any thoughts, I would appreciate them.
Other than that, I hope everyone is doing well, and that you're enjoying the pretty weather.
As for me, the hour of 5 p.m. quickly approaches, which means that I shall once again break through the shackles of my self-imposed prison, to once again fly free to the realm of happiness and cat hair that I call home. What glorious things await me? None can foresee. However, there is a package of Nutter Butter's and a half gallon of milk that I believe need to be introduced to each other, perhaps at a party in my stomach. All the cool cookies will be there.
Little by little, the penguins are stealing my sanity...
I found this. I laughed for minutes and minutes. Then got depressed because it's true.
You Are an Espresso
At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic
At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung
You drink coffee when: anytime you're not sleeping
Your caffeine addiction level: high
What Kind of Coffee Are You? This depresses me... I think I shall make myself feel better with a good 'ol cup of coffee...