Laugh. It is definatly better than Crying.

Jun 06, 2007 23:31

Hi Alisha! *waves* If you haven't caught my cousin Alisha's rants, raves and conversations about her normal day in training to be a Combat Medic.. go look. I am sorry, the fact that she's been up for hours when I roll out of bed just cracks me up. Concidering my day has been so long and I have't had a lot to smile about lately... that was just so much fun to read. I am so glad she has found her niche. Go Combat Medics!

In other related news from my lame ass life:
The character I have played in the Victorian Live Action Role Playing game I was in has been killed! *gasp shock* I can't put too many details in here as of yet, but I think I'm more than a little okay with it. It was such a great tragic ending. And rather anticlimatic when you get down to it. I'll post up some details as soon as I am allowed to. Pretty cool though. I have another great concept ready to go.. just gotta type out the details. (Ventrue! Ventrue! Ventrue!)

I have another rant about gaming, but it will have to wait for another time.

Book related News:
Michael Connelly is a FANTASTIC READ.
STop what you are doing right now. Go buy either the new book, "The Overlook" or go get one called, "The Closers." (If you go to Waldenbooks or Borders, you will find one on the bestseller list for 30% off or the other for like $7.99 or less on the bargain table.) Whatever you do, get a Harry Bosch novel. They are great.

The basics is that each book is a case that Harry is working on. The books are set in L.A. in current running time. Bosch is sort of written like a 1920's detective as he works down on the crimes. He's gritty, he's abrupt.. and I wuve him to pieces!

The Closers is about Harry and his partner Kis working on a "cold case" that got a hit of new information. They are working on a murder of a mixed race 17 year old, and the case has all sort of far reaching complications... this is including my new favorite term, "High Jingo" (It means that a case has all sorts of political mumbo jumbo in it that prevents justice being served.. so to speak.) I honestly guessed what was "wrong" about the crime scene photos away near the begining of the book... BUT.. the way the story interlaced together.. god I love them.

The Overlook is about a murder that takes place on Mullholland Drive. It is a mob style execution, but it turns out the murder has other complications in our post 9/11 world. Throw in a red herring or two, and it's a great mystery. A bit shorter than the Closers an some of the other Bosch novels, but it was actually written for a magazine so give the man a break. It's worth reading.
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