For what it's worth...

Jan 13, 2006 15:41

could this week have been any more insane?!?! okay, well. last weekend is where this all begins. well, really, like 2 weeks ago. i have been having this pain in my abdomen for 2 weeks and everyday the pain has been gaining severity. well, last weekend, it got pretty intense and so i decided that i would go to the doctor to get it checked out. my primary physician asks me the usual background questions and then starts to examine me. then she starts throwing out all of these possibilities: appendicitis, tubular pregnancy, std, blah! so, she sends me to christ hospital to get blood work done to determine what it could be. (thank god, it was NOT tubular pregnancy. the very mention the 'p' word sends chills down my back. i CANNOT have a child at this time of my life: no thank you.) so, i'm waiting for the immediate results of these tests at the apartment and [this part blocked out because of the possible disgustingness and weak stomachs of the audience. if you want to know this part, ask me in private!] i called the doctor and she said that i need to get to the emergency room. jason and my mom came with me. we headed down to christ (for the second time that day) and we were there from 6pm-1am. i had a CAT scan done, which determined that i had a ruptured ovarian cyst. great. guess it's better than being pregnant. so, instructions from dr. ER says to get with a gyno (i didnt have one at the time) and with the primary physician. the PP said that i am to rest until thursday and take 4 motrin and the GYN said that i had to get an ultrasound. so, i stayed home tuesday and wednesday. i returned to school on thursday and got sent home by one of my teachers (luckily it was the teacher that i had last for the day). so, friday, today, i went to work, finally wearing jeans. i havent been able to wear jeans all day because of the pain of having my body pushed into bottoms. and then i went to get my ultrasound. so, my results? my cyst hasnt burst yet. and it could possibly twist my ovaries and give me searing pain. could that be any more daunting??? right now, i have been advised to take Vicadin. yikes. the best part [and worst] about this is that i am doing chrysalis this weekend, which is a christian retreat for women. yeah, i'm still going. i need this. i need the prayers and the comradery of others, probably people much more spiritual than i. plus, i'm so bored! sitting in the apartment all day has been punishment enough. so, for what it's worth, that has been my life thus far, this week, in a nutshell.

but, on the real, packing for a trip is always fun. i havent packed since thanksgiving, and for a free spirit like me, that's painful. [almost as painful as this cyst.] and my buddy diego is having his 21st birthday party today. thats going to be fun too. but, i cant really drink, just because i'm not in the mood. i'm always tired and alcohol only makes that worse for me. eh, one drink wont hurt. ;-)


happy martin luther king jr day!

...and dont worry about me. i've got my insane amount of drugs at my disposal: i'll be cool.
yeah, i kid. the heavy stuff is only when needed. besides, i cant get over the fact that people abuse it...and i'm taking it. another thing to pray about: dear god: please keep me safe from addiction. amen.

so, this is where i leave you. comment as necessary...absolutely essential for some of you. thanks a bunch.
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