Funny.. the title will likely be longer than the post
OK, so for those of you who are friends with both Jenn and I you have likely followed in her journal that we have been slowly turning into the house of Doolittle. The animals don't talk to us.. directly but through whimpers and barks and various noises they have trained us about as far as we seem to be capable of learning. I am getting the feeling they are mostly content.. for now. Then again we just got Bo yesterday which means we start anew... having just finished Mollies series of 20ish weeks of shots so she is as Parvo resistent as she can be. Still, so far very little fuss. We got our little fuzz balls,
Grover and Mollie w/ Gerhardt the cat.Grover.. the black one was first. We battled over names and nothing was sticking, Jenn happened to flash a picture of the little ragmop long haired goofball and he was at that time, so dark that unless he had is mouth open you really couldn't make out any facial features. Anyway, his hair sort of flashed blue and thus he was dubbed "Super Grover" from Sesame Street. He is a total clown and loves attention so I expect the name is well placed. Score 1 for Jenn and my desire for a Chuck or Buster is still waiting. Mollie, is the brown one and a total pig Diva. You can't pet Grover without her wanting some lovin. If he has a toy and she has a toy... she will drop hers to get his and then go back and have both it never ends. In her defense, he instigates as he will take a tug toy and go put it in her face and keep doing it until she bites it then they begin the carpet shark dance that will drag them through every room in the house practically and all you hear is growling... I'll tell you if we had mice they would tremble in fear!
So on to the Bold and the Brave, as if the above wasn't enough to prove just how safe my home is, with a blind Pug, a hyper pug who without provocation will run right outside and pee if you open his door other wise he will circle the kitchen with this tail wagging furiously!, 1 OG (not original gangster... Orange Gato... recognize bitches!) we move from their playful banter to the defense of the home against all enemies.. foreign and DOMESTIC! OK.. Domestic only.. foreign enemies haven't gotten much of a rise.. in fact any new faces have been quite thoroughly licked or several attempts have been made.. (job well done guys) So, protecting my house from Domestic enemies, we spend the majority of our time in the TV room (much to Jenns chagrin). I never have settled into the sitting room, I don't know why really. Moving on, we have a sliding glass door and in the evenings when it gets dark Grover often can see his reflection, I don't know if it is the whole of himself or just his face or eyes but it irritates him and he starts this growl thing from a distance and he closes the distance slowly. This is not a teeth bared viscious growl this is a you're in my space and I don't know you so what's up sorta growl as he gets to the door it is louder like.. "Dick! Didn't I make myself clear at the end of the couch!? Don't make me go mental.. I got issues... I got back issue even." (it's a nervous but still irritated growl) Then he sorta half lunges and have I dunno bites but doesn't wanna bite head buts the door? He's only done the last part once or maybe twice. The growls and walking up is fairly regular. The other day after his bath Jenn was showing him his reflection in the mirror and it started again.. OMG!!! What a dork!
We are not sure where Grover gets it but he eats like Jenns Nonnie's old dog Candy. Pick up a piece or 2 of the kibble and walk away from he bowl and eat it and then go back.. no hurry at all.. just pick and snack life is easy... blah blah blah... Molliezilla however does not share this mello approach to mealtime and infact I am not sure the young lady realizes just how poorly she represents her family and her breeder with her table manners! Holy Sheepshank Batman! That girl puts it away with a quickness! I swear it is 2 or 3 bites and it is gone. We used to feed her in an elevated bowl mounted to the side of her kennel but had to stop because we couldn't mount it any lower and she would gag herself stuffing her face inside it to get to the bottom so you would here crunch crunch crunch gag cough crunch gag and look over and seer her balanced on one front paw the other sorta teetering on the bowl and her head stuffed into the bowl trying to lick the bottom in case that would stimulate the food to re-appear so she could start again or something. Then she realized Grover was not as fast so she would bounce over and stuff her face into his bowl and then poor Grover would not get a chance because she does not come up for air until there is nothing left but licked clean plastic! Speaking of the Diva, here is a pic of her in one of her dresses. She loves being dressed up.
Inertia, An object in motion tends to want to stay in motion, as we have been discussing, Mollie likes to eat. Mollie named for being slow as molasses, (Grover is much quicker! Good thing for him) but like molasses, once she is moving and builds up a head of steam she doesn't stop well. She will be running along and Grover will have her heading for a wall or a door chasing him and she will be in "hot pursuit" and he will turn at the last second and WHAM! FAIL! You did not navigate that turn love bug! She will run head first into the wall, the door, the tv stand... the fire place enclosure. I can't tell you how many times we will be sitting there and hear "thump!" and look over and she just looks up at us like "he is sooo gonna pay for that" and takes off after Grover again. What's bad is she often does that to herself! She will get a toy from Grover and go haulin' butt away from him and bound up on to their pillow / bed and even though she managed to get her front feet and head to stop just were she planned, her belly and butt are still in motion and plunk the fireplace glass is rattling again.. more often than not though it is nose first right into it and it is all because she just can't get the brakes on in time.. sorta like trying to slow a semi by draggin' your feet I am guessin'. Poor little fat dog...
Molly in her dress and Bo aka the new guyI got a shirt for Grover but I don't have a pic of him in it just yet. It says "Bitches <3 Me" Really it's a heart but I am only so creative. He is not as fond of it as she is of dresses. He is rather fond of his neckerchief, it is a little sailor thing but he doesn't wear it a lot because Khrystian says it makes him look like one of the Village People. WTF?!!! Well ok that one guy did have a mustache sorta like his... whatever.. Anywho.. you see Bo in the pics with Mollie when he was a new little guy
The New GuyLast but not least there's Bo. I lost the name thing again! I was a sure bet this time, he has a big white C on his chest, I just knew it was a sign from God that he would be Chuck! But nooooooooooo! Apparently there is a word in Portuguese that I am not going to try to spell that starts with Bo that means little boots and since he has little boots (white feet on his cocoa brown body) I got outvoted again! Just wait, I am getting a Rotty and his name will be Chief! Back on topic though, I am not sure what to do with this guy, I wanted to stay distant, reserved and not get attached and yet there I was suckered again. I hope he makes it and I hope that he stays healthy. Around 8 months ago we had Dobby, he was a Chihuahua and he rocked.. there was a parvo epidemic in our neighborhood and we didn't know til it was too late and we lost him. The neighbor who sold us Dobby lost all of his pups and the father dog because he did not have them properly vaccinated and what's worse is he knew what it was but did not bother to tell us so we might have saved him. Fast fwd to now and he brings us Bo, he still isn't vaccinated properly, we can do that but it would have been better if the care had been started earlier. The sucky part is Bo is only 5 weeks old and the mom is rejecting him so the neighbor has dropped him off with us and said, he's yours.. good luck. He's already getting used to being spoiled. Jenn carries him around in a sling so he keeps his body heat up he's loved on constantly. If he lives he will be intolerable, if something bad happens, he will be loved.. on a brighter note, we fed him this $3 a can dog food called EVO.. holy crap! It is made with like 95% duck. They have other flavors but that is the one we bought. It is supposed to bring out the ancestral nature in dogs or some such rot. I think I am going to buy a couple of cans and make a meatloaf or something.. 95% duck.. I've never had duck.. This is out of hand!!! anywho, he ate that and LOVED it!! he started chewing on stuff so we gave him a little rawhid stick to teeth on and the wonder twins stuck their faces up to see what he was up to and if they could have some and Bo starts this little growl and bark thing.. I was laughing so hard... I peed a little... I blamed Bo.. nobody noticed