NSP Ficathon Master List

Feb 20, 2007 20:53

Here they be, the nine stories for the second NSP Ficathon!

I'll reveal the authors in a week. In the meantime, enjoy!
ETA: Authors revealed

Title: Untitled
Author: dirty_diana
Pairing: Simon/Zoe
Rating: PG
Recipient: virtualinsomnia

Title: A Still Life in Moments
Author: sparky77
Pairing: Wash/Zoe
Rating: PG
Recipient: budclare

Title: Gifted Is the Term
Author: inalasahl
Pairing: River/Kaylee
Rating: Soft R
Recipient: isilrandir

Title: The Hard Way
Author: virtualinsomnia
Characters: Simon, Zoe (with special appearances by Jayne and River)
Rating: PG
Recipient: kelly_girl

Title: The Long-Delayed Courtship of Doctor Simon Tam
Author: budclare
Pairing: Mal/Simon
Rating: PG-13, barely
Recipient: raynedanser

Title: First Comes Baby
Author: inalasahl
Pairing: Inara/Jayne
Rating: PG
Recipient: llaras

Title: The Kellerville kidnapping incident
Author: kelly_girl
Pairing: Mal/Simon
Rating: R
Recipient: sparky77

Title: Untitled
Author: isilrandir
Pairing: Jayne/Simon
Rating: R
Recipient: inalasahl

Title: Lost in Night
Author: llaras
Pairing: River/Simon, mention of Kaylee/Simon
Rating: PG
Recipient: dirty_diana
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