Last Monday at midnight, I submitted a 7,000 word document containing financial reporting, management accounting, tax and audit/assurance guidance for a fictional business entity. And then, ladies and gentlemen, with that assignment, my
CA studies were OVER.
The last 2+ years have involved a lot of sacrifices for me (major ones being sleep and socialising given the CA death march) and now it's great to be able to take my life back and actually PLAY/READ the videogames and books I've been steadily buying over the whole period. I can finally watch the third Pirates of the Caribbean and Spiderman movies (yes, I know they're not as good, everyone tells me that, but if you watch the first two, you have to watch the third). I will even be able to dust off the exercise bike and remind myself of what it was to exercise and finally get my healthy lifestyle back.
Okay, that last one was a joke. Of course I'm not going to exercise.
Anyway, there's not much point in making accomplishments if you don't get rewarded, and Fate's hot sister Kismet has arranged cosmic matters such that I've won for myself an XBOX 360, games, 12 hour 'lock in' at a games parlour with 20 friends and free movie passes. And this came from bringing a friend to an event that had free beer, hats, shirts and other 'swag' I thoroughly enjoyed myself trying to get as much of as possible.
It appears I'm Awesome, and this has been a most welcome development. I'm my own hero. To quote Master Splinter, Life is good, and life goes on.