
Oct 21, 2004 02:01

hey. yeah, so I have no idea as to why I have this lj (lol), but nevertheless, here it is. I had a deadjournal, or actually, I have a deadjournal, but alas! I never update it. and if and when I do decide to update, its very irrelevant to everything. and so, this shall continue in the form of this livejournal. let us see. . .

Red Sox won today. went outside, smoked victory cigars, which is funny because I myself did nothing to help the red sox win. I suppose that maybe, just maybe, I did. I did buy that red sox shirt once upon a time, which would create revenue for the red sox team, so that they could buy better players and have better training and whatnot. so my 14.99 could be a small part of this win, so maybe I did deserve that 2 dollar cigar. all i know is that if these sox win the series, people are going to die. Hetzel is right next to downtown (where the riots are) and we're on the bottom "street" level. Needless to say, couches will be pushed against the window and we will invest in little plastic guns and army hats to fuck shit up if shit gets too close. ricker has his meter stick (aka stick of pain). its made of metal. bitches respect. but yeah. goofy shit hizappenin at the UNH.

so what else to ramble on and on about. . . going to a party this friday for Tim. should be fun, as I haven't seen everyone back home in a while, and spencer is comign home this weekend too. cominatyeeha! and colby is coming too, so that should be very fun too. ricker is comign as well, with krista. fun shit.

My desk here appears to be compromised mainly of poptart rappers and Dr Pepper cans (empty dr pepper cans, goddammit). I can't see the wood in some places. mayhaps I shall clean tomorrow. but shit, tomorrow is going to be a long day. 3 classes, studying for an exam. and its already tomorrow. goddammit. 2 o'clock. I need to get into better sleeping habits. but its almost the weekend. shit! and I have a paper to write for friday too.

Once Mike and Noah finish their game of Lord of the Rings risk, I shall retire to my bed, and wake up at 10 tomorrow to go to econ. when I say 10, its more like 11, because the class starts at 11:10. maybe i'll sleep in my clothes to cut down on getting ready time tomorrow am. goddammit. I dont even know what I'm talking about anymore.
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