Otakon 301

Jul 26, 2009 14:02

I know it's been a week since con ended, but we have foster kittens (pictures in the next posts I'm sure), and despite getting more sleep than usual, it's been an exhausting week. Also llivla has been feeding my SPN addiction with witty episode recaps/speculations and download links to season 4...darn you girl! ;)

So last week I trekked down to Baltimore Maryland with first time convertee to the Ota staff ranks Scott to help run Main Events (aka concerts, the masq and a few unexpected things). As always it's a great time to see friends I see far too little. We're epically spread out across the country which is a shame...conventions are an easy way to bring us all together.

So that picture is most of Main Events (sans a few people who had to leave early...Marian, Jackie, Melissa, Bob Babcock) about half of the Masquerade staff, and most of Vid Ops. Missing are a few other Ota/AB people like the lovely Robin, Geoff, and a few others.

Thursday was filled with travel. I hadn't really packed before I went to bed Wednesday and spent most of Thursday morning running around. Luckily didn't miss anything epically important. A pleasant flight, if a little cramped and WTF Delta...$15 to check even ONE bag?!?! I bring my leatherman along with me to this show (it comes in handy for all sorts of things) and it has a blade so it must be checked. Grrr damnit.

Navigated the light rail for the first time to the hotel (the gorgeous new Hilton YAYZ!) and we spent the rest of the afternoon getting our staff badges, shirts, radios and checking in with a bunch of people to say hello. Dinner (I ate nothing but crab this weekend if I could), and then offsite to a local club Sonar. Ai who knows us well and works with us at AB wanted to give us something and had gotten all of us guest listed into a VAMPS concert. While I know nothing about this group...free entertainment is free entertainment. They were pretty decent, nothing I'm too terribly into though I did enjoy the weird almost punk cover of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds'. The show ended relatively early around 11 or so and we walked back to the hotel in the summer heat.

Poor Nick and Lindsay finally made it in after Nick did some impressive jury rigging on Lindsay's car which had crapped out at the outskirts of Baltimore.

We ended up back at Mary's room, talking and shooting the breeze as we always find time to do until around 1 or so. With a 10 or so call, we figured we'd hit the hay. Slept poorly even though I was ridiculously tired.

Friday we didn't have anything until the evening (the MELL concert) so we were freed up for the day. Of course that was before I found out Ian needed help shooting/editing and preparing an intro for one of the guests in under four hours. I rushed around with him for most of the afternoon getting things done. Much thanks to Robin for helping us out and to Grace the extremely nice GR staffer who helped escort us to the room we could use as well as helped everyone out immensely. We wouldn't have gotten this done without their help. It went well, the artist BECCA was very sweet and we got something decent for having no mic system, improvising lighting, and having no script and no time to go off of.

Ian in a mid render and about to switch off with me to get food while I worked on the title cards

I was planning on hitting the dealer's room to browse and see if I would want anything but as I was walking by Con Ops Mike put out a general call for anyone from his staff to help out. Since I was nearby I stopped in and ended up converting to Purchasing staff for the afternoon. It's not a hard job by any means but they do need someone to sit and babysit stuff while the main purchasers headed out to do tasks.

So I made an abortive speed pass through the dealer's room and artists' alley but couldn't see anything I was interested in picking up. I didn't stop by sausuga books (usually my downfall) which is a good thing.

The concert came and went with minimum mayhem. No crowds rushing the stage this year at least.

A VERY long autograph line formed post show, and since the band was willing to stay to sign everyone's stuff I forced those who hadn't eaten to get out and find dinner. Mike forced me, Nick, James and Jeff to GTFO since we were going to have an extremely long Saturday. So we figured we'd get a drink, maybe some dessert and head back to go to sleep. This was hard to do apparently. We went to a bar across the street from the con. It should be noted that it was late (after midnight by this point) and not particularly crowded. Poor Jeff ordered four things and got none of them. Who doesn't have any chocolate syrup? I only got two of the three things I ended up ordering. Somehow middle of the road vodka became Grey Goose for James. We ended up leaving just enough tip for the bus staff.

After that fail event we headed back to the hotel just as the rest of staff was finally getting out of the autograph session. Though everyone else wanted to go out, we ended up going to bed since the next day was going to be so rough.

This ensued in our room...

James was somehow asked this since he always brings Grey Goose with him to cons. It was hilarious in that we are very tired sort of way.

His choice was clear...heatenage...

Saturday morning dawned bright and early, with an 8:30 call over at the Arena. I stage manage the actual show and needed to be around to introduce myself to the shop steward, make sure Edwin didn't explode, help registration, run rehearsal and then run the actual show. This means that all of Saturday I was working. Suwada was in charge of front of house and in her typical fashion took charge like no one's business! She's amazing. The morning was pretty quiet, and rehearsal went well. We moved people quickly through and there was little drama.

Much of the rest of staff was stuck dealing with the Kanon concert, which had some mild issues, with the room filling to capacity, people racing the stage for autographs mid set...it was I guess not the most ideal afternoon. I had just enough time to rush back to my room shower and change into dress run blacks. I was burning nervous energy, I could feel it. Got my comm, helped get the huge props backstage and checked over my notes for the show. Things got underway well enough, and that nervous stress melted away.

There was an unexpected surprise. I run mics and such on and off the stage. Usually I try to go out with MC John, but he also has the tendency to actually work around center stage, where I usually have to place. So I had to walk on alone after his intros. To a ridiculous cheering ovation. It was embarrassing. I got multiple marriage proposals before Suwada glared the heckler into submission. Everyone wanted me to bow, but I just gave a wave to the audience to thank them and tried to gesture to the rest of the crew that wasn't getting enough recognition.

The show went off flawlessly except for a few things outside my control *cough cough* Hall Cosplay *cough cough*.

When all was said and done, no one was dead. On Marian's stroke of luck and iphone searching we ended up at a bar in the inner harbor known as Tir Na Nog...Irish obviously. They had a live band playing far too loudly, but they were also cool as could be. Played us Dropkick Murphy songs, Star Wars themes, we will rock you on bagpipe. Though I was tired and at the end of my rope, we ended up enjoying ourselves mightily...tasty crab soup took the edge off the piece of pizza I had had for lunch/dinner hours beforehand.

And the frustrating I'm just gonna go back to the room and stew pity feeling I had managed to fade away with some effort. There were some poor decisions made about Jaeger...and Scott ended up hurting and holding poles up pretty badly on the way back to the hotel but overall everyone had a good time I think.
Sunday is always quiet day and so we had a quick early morning AB related meeting in vid ops and then were off and running to seat the BECCA/Naomi Taeda concert. Ate backstage while the newer people ran seating (pretty minimal for this event) and somehow managed to lose my leatherman! GRRGHGH. I replaced it within the week but it's still annoying. I hadn't planned to have to spend money on another one so soon.

Behind the screens backstage in Hall D. I created that still screen using the ultra nice rubrix Otakon has.

The show went find and despite the loud volume I was tired enough that I could have fallen asleep. Of course we had begged the handlers to make sure the artists didn't announce last songs to avoid a rush to the autograph line but that didn't happen. So attendees rudely rushed to get in line before the concert ended. This upset all the artists's handlers (rightly so) and we ended up getting yelled at too. It wasn't anything we could do to fix it...it just happened. I was in charge of the front of the line so over barely heard comms I forced them to stop the line from forming the best we could. Ideally I would have ejected people for the interuptions but I don't have that authority. We sorted everything out we could and once the line was moving we were good to go. Turned in our radio gear and inventoried the last of our equipment. A few of the gun muffs were lost, but nothing else. We scattered from then till the dead dog.

In a vague hope someone had turned my leatherman in I went down to public safety. They hadn't, so I made my way back to the Hilton. I had expected everyone else to have run off, but I came back to all of my roommates plus a few guests from other rooms. We relaxed for a few hours, talking things that need improvement for AB and for our work at this show, as well as actually breaking into that Grey Goose. Dead dog came and went, I managed to score a JAM Project shirt (from the show I worked here last year) and we got dinner (which was good because we were starving!) We ended up back at the Tir Na Nog, sans band but relaxed enough. When the night came to an end, the people I was with, were either sexiled from their rooms, or sleep-ixled (yes I just made that up). But not to worry. The inner harbor was warm and had lit outdoor bench seating for us to hang out for another good hour.

Monday morning breakfast plans were had and once we'd checked out Scott and I hung out with a few more of the stragglers in the lobby until it was time for us to catch the light rail back to the airport. All and all a good trip. The weather was actually beautiful and not too humid, the company wonderful too (despite the fact that we bashed heads with each other from time to time). Different from last year of course, but relaxing to be away from my real work.
Mike did let slip though that footage from our work with Kalafina at AB9 will end up on their next DVD with proper crediting to us so I gotta try and get a copy of that (I did switching for that show).

'Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.' -Dr Seuss
This seems a particularly good way to put it.

otakon staffing

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