"I know just enough to be dangerous..."

May 02, 2010 02:41

Well, yeah, tonight I crashed Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop. This was where I was basically doing all my coding. I freaked out for a good 5 minutes thinking about how I just lost like two weeks of work at a CRITICAL point before my thesis gets turned in. After that I gathered my bearings, inserted a LiveCD, mounted the hard-drive from the disc, and then proceeded to copy all my important files to an external hard-drive, saving literally everything. I have all the software I need on my main box as well, so I have literally lost nothing except the time it will take to reinstall an OS and get GEANT4 running on my laptop again (which is NO time since I have become something of an expert at it by now).

And why did this happen? Basically because I ran some commands in the terminal that I should maybe have thought twice about. Then again, and I am not going to get specific here, I ran the lines I did (trying to fix a problem with software not installing) precisely because it was a more refined approach than what was being recommended by others (they were deleting binaries to get stuff to run in their shell, rather than amending file calls). I just tried to redirect the calls and I ended up throwing something in a loop because the system would NOT respond to me afterward.

At any rate, this seems like a good time to give Ubuntu 10.04 LTS a go, particularly since I rather like long-term releases since ideally I don't want to switch up my OS all that often.

But yeah, I FREAKED!
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