Jul 03, 2005 14:41
i wish she would stop. she's really being immature and unreasonable. i thought we were close sisters. good friends. maybe i did some shit to fuck with that. i mean maybe i pulled the last straw. but she's acting like i don't matter. it's too bad. the way she's behaving really doesn't make me want to apologize for what i've done. it makes me feel justified in living for myself. cuz obviously i could never live up to her standards. i guess people have faults all their lives. i mean no matter how much she's changed since we were young kids, she still does the same old fucked up shit. but now she's not just doing it to the family. and she's being pretty harmful.
there's only so many times you can hear something fucked up before you believe it.
she's working her fuckin magic on j.
and me too.
i really hope she doesn't convince us i'm a fuck up.