The archive is finally here! A handful of people were eventually unable to turn in fics so we are a few short but here are several lovely stories for your enjoyment!
(In order turned in)
Title: Ill-Gotten Gains
ijemanja Prompt: greed
Rating: M
Summary: He takes his time. Episode addition for 'The First David Job'.
Link Title: Refuge
Author: SiriusDoctorWhoHoney329
Prompt: refuge
Rating: T
Summary: Nate and Sophie know they can always lean on each other.
Link Title: Autograph
morralls Prompt: autograph
Rating: K+
Summary: Sophie teaches Sam to be like his dad instead of like her.
Link Title: Classic
morralls Prompt: classic
Rating: T
Summary: Nate and Sophie swap favorite songs.
Link Title: Dally
Author: morralls
Prompt: dally
Rating: T
Summary: Sophie remembers Nate the way he was back then.
Link Title: Hotel
Author: morralls
Prompt: hotel
Rating: T
Summary: Sophie was unlikely to lie to him in her sleep.
Link Title: Lipstick
Author: morralls
Prompt: lipstick
Rating: K+
Summary: Sealed with a kiss.
Link Title: Siren
Author: morralls
Prompt: siren
Rating: T
Summary: She called to him, but from someone else's arms.
Link Title: Uncertainty
Author: morralls
Prompt: uncertainty
Rating: K+
Summary: Nate's confused about Sophie and just can't make up his mind.
Link Title: Vis-a-vis
Author: morralls
Prompt: vis-a-vis
Rating: T
Summary: Dancing cheek to cheek.
Link Title: Weak
Author: morralls
Prompt: weak
Rating: T
Summary: Nate was weak but Sophie made him strong.
Link Title: Xanadu
parrottgal Prompt: xanadu
Rating: K
Summary: Sophie shares her personal paradise with Nate.
Link Title: Opus
parrottgal Rating: K
Prompt: opus
Summary: Nate has always had a connection to music.
Link Title: In the Dark
lovesrogue36 (pinchhitting for
Rating: T
Prompt: jet
Summary: Nate groaned as moonlight streamed victoriously through a window, breaking the barrier that had been created by bright kitchen lights.
Link Title: Performances In The Dark
cuzimastripperRating: T
Prompt: evoke
Summary: Always the same dance: one step forward, two steps back… until someone changes the rhythm.