Feb 08, 2006 17:37
i wish i could make some sort of remote control for my life so i could fast forward through all the bullshit and bad days and rewind all the good times. lately, i have been so unbelievably unmotivated to wake up and goto class lately, let alone complete any of my stupid assignments. i know im doing the best i possibly can be right now after being real sick and now being incredibly stressed, but god damn i feel like i am so behind and its impossible to catch up. i know its so dorky, but i have been making little check lists so whenever im done doing something i can cross it off and feel that nice sense of accomplishment for doing my little tasks. kinda like when you're a little kid and you get a sticker for every time you use the big kid potty. you all know what i mean im sure.
ci physics and trig have me pulling out my hair and second guessing my ability to goto college next year. i never had a problem in the past with doing homework so i dont think that will be an issue but time management seems to be a problem lately. there is a million things i wantto do but justcant gather the motivation. i hate that so damn much. but rather than procrastinating im trying to set a deadline to have my career study done by, which quote me here so i can be held accountable for it, but i want everything done by sunday because i know for a damn fact that i wont get shit done next week cause im working every day (litterally). and ive unfortunately left every day or come in late for the most part for the last few weeks, so i cant miss any more class to get the paper done. but ima gonna try to work on it tonight and then a litlte next week
(his is all randome babbling bullshit its so i remember to do everything im setting out to do)
but otherwise life has been pretty good to me. kyle and i seem to be getting over our shitty phaze and working out all the nitty gritty stupid little details. which was long past due to be done. i feel a lot more at ease now as a result of hashing out our differences. his house is beautiful, its almost like going to a vacation home every weekend cause its so secluded and peaceful out there. (and oh did i mention it has a loft and skylights...yeessssss) so ive been helping him clean, make repairs and paint which isnt as mentally painful as i thought it would be. woo.
oh i dont feel like writing anymore.