Legally shooting inside the mall

Oct 16, 2010 12:13

So, from 6 in the morning what am I doing in Central Park mall (shopping mall, bandwagoning the name, most likely incomparable to the real). The yearly (second) Canon Photo Marathon in Indonesia with main prize of going to the Thanksgiving fowl (read: Turkey). Not exactly my target, but it's not every day you can swarm into shopping mall to take picture of the interior without being treated zealously by the management and security like a thief or terrorist.

Although on second year, the schedule is still uncertain. registration is said to be at 6, but there are reports of peoples coming on 7 still got registered, for the sake of creating a national record (not breaking, this is another of those first largest record in Indonesia). Not that I care, such record should be minimized to non-business related personal challenges. By the way, there's also no time on the schedule sheet.

Somehow, my titles are all cynical, such as "Architect dictates photographer about best angle" or "Cannibalism startsmby insufficiency of food".
The second one is about the second theme, "lifestyle". They let us go to the mall until 1140. By the early time, there's not much peoples to take picture of.

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photography, events, activity

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