KWK B01 is the minibus public transport servicing Grogol (and Roxy) to Muara Karang. Like red ants, they are small, red and many.
Today, I met with a unique among the bunch, the interior design that is. The driver had freedom to decorate their cars apparently, as shown by this one. Let’s get to the points.
- Flooring with cheap looking fake ceramic tiles (probably some sort of vinyl carpet, didn’t confirm).
- There’s a loudspeaker in the back, probably shooting techno dangdut sometimes.
- The whole passenger room is illuminated with green-blue-purple-pink LED lights.
- The seat and wall is covered in PINK!
Hell, first time I realize all the detail, my first impression is of course, stereotype of those shady short-stay inn, lower class ones.
Sure a weird taste by the owner of that car.