First of all, the meme. I was tagged by
teh_elb. *doesn't know whether to feel grateful or annoyed since she really doesn't have time for this right now but is too meme-addicted to put it off* :p *settles for grateful* I feel loved. :p
Write a little paragraph about your name, why you chose it, what it means to you, etc.
It's pretty simple. My first KGS account, I needed a screen name and couldn't think of anything. When I found out that my favourite monosyllabic grunt (meh) had been taken (as had "feh" which had been my second choice), I was stumped. I finally decided to pick something so obscure that nobody else would have thought about it. To do so, I decided on the province I lived in at the time, my country, with "gal" added at the end (gimme a break, I was a fanbratty 15-year-old). Thus, nscangal. In retrospect, nscan probably would have done and I certainly wouldn't be nearly as embarrassed about the final element to it. ^^"
Anyway, as far as nicks go, it doesn't really mean that much to me. I use it because it's easy to remember. I've had it so long that I'm just "nscangal" online - except on KGS, where, to my never-ending glee, when I made my new account, I was able to get "meh".
What would you change your name to, if you were changing it?
Probably "meh". I've had many nicknames, depending on who is talking to me. When I had braces, I had all the usual braces-associated nicks, like Train Tracks and Metal Mouth. Before I had braces, I had any number of nicks associated with my stutter, my bad bite and the lisp that came from the bad bite. Buck-toothed Beaver, Stuttering Stanly, etc. After my braces came off, people got a bit more creative and I wound up with my first few positive nicknames (mainly plays on my first name). What I'm called doesn't really matter to me, as long as its not insulting and others know who they're referring to with it. ^^ Besides, "meh" rather suits my lazy bum attitude. :p
What is your favorite username? Why?
Any sort of username with a joke or pun in it. Someone I know made their username for a game site I occasionally go on "yiota". Said person is in my math class, which should tell you something about the pun. ^^ For some reason,
whiskybusiness makes me giggle. ^^
Now, tag five other unfortunates whose usernames you would like to hear about:
4. <lj user=5.
whiskybusiness In other news, I'm now 27kyu at go, having risen 3 ranks in 6 days. I'm pretty close to rising a fourth rank, too. Hence my bragging. I think this is worthy of some bragging since the improvement seems to be pretty quick. ^^
But this rapid development in my go comes with a price and that price is my not studying enough for my final two exams. ^^" I'm going to spend this evening on math, and most of the rest of the morning on my Bio lab. Then I have all day tomorrow for math (Though I do have to pack at some point)... On Sunday I can play go as much as I want since I won't have to worry about any more exams.
Just wish I didn't have to worry about these exams. >.>