Apr 17, 2006 23:46
Buses suck. And I'm hungry. And I've got to make my bed before I can sleep...
... oh, and I just found out that, though I'm supposed to be out of res by saturday, my parents can't come until Sunday. Which means a little chat with the reslife people to sort things out, and if they decide to be idiots about things, I'll have to cart everything to a hotel (using up huge amounts of cab fare while doing so) the day of my last exam.
Damn it... I so don't need this bullshit. *sigh*
Watch me go get slaughtered with my exam tomorrow - didn't get any studying in on the bus or at home.
Then watch me go and get slaughtered at karate as I haven't gone in over a week because circumstances have conspired against me time after time.
*sigh* And to top everything off, I've got a sinus headache and a sore throat. Which means I'm likely getting ill.
Tomorrow isn't going to be fun.