May 05, 2006 11:43
I hate my fucking stupid roommates. They're fucking idiots.
I wake up, go to the kitchen to get food, and all these fucking pigeons start flapping at me! In the kitchen!!! Can you tell I'm fucking pissed?? It took me 20 minutes to get the birds out and they shit all over the place! Fucking stupid Itamar opened the window and didn't close it. Again. Like he did before he left for Pessach so when I came back I found a fucking nest in the bathroom sink! Not to mention the stove splattered with food and the sink filled with dishes. I called him up and he's all 'why are you getting upset?' Motherfucker.
It's Avner's turn to clean the apartment, but he left without doing it. Itamar says he might do it on Sunday. %$^^$%@$# Why am I the only who cleans? Why am I the only one who cares about paying the bills?
That's it, I've decided. I don't like him. He's indifferent. He's dirty. He doesn't pay the bills (am STILL waiting for his share; AM NOT paying before he gives it all to me) He borrows my stuff and doesn't return it. And he lets pigeons into the papartment! I'm sick and tired of cleaning up the mess he leaves in the kitchen. I don't even use the stove and I have to clean it and pay for the gas!? I want him gone! And I'm voting for whoever runs against him for the Bezalel student council next year! Idiot.
Will clean the fucking apartment myself on Monday before mom visits. That way they won't have enough time to trash the place before she's here.
Edit: Spoke to DD. He wants to rip Itamar a new one. The bills are addressed to me so I'm held acountable for any overdue charges, and he's pissed. Told me to get it sorted or he'll drive to Jerusalem and tell Itamar & Avner in person to get it together or get lost. Eep.