The Month of February

Feb 24, 2010 22:09

This is a papercut ktubah design I did for a famous judica art studio. A Ktubah is a fancy decorative marriage contract used in the Jewish faith. It's traditional. Over recent years couples have started to invest in beautiful designer ktubot so they could frame and hang them. I think they're beautiful art pieces. And mine not the least of them:)

See more on my Flickr page.

I haven't been updating with my exploits lately, have I? Except SPN fanfic lists, which I also need to update. Now that I have over 150 recs...

Wish I could say I've been having fun. I've been working hard, but I can't say I have a lot to show for it, either. Lots of back pains and trouble sleeping, but that's about it.
I've been working on my portfolio, at least. Still, it seems I never get done with my list. I got a few secret freelance jobs which I hope will turn out well. I'm doing commissions now, papercut wedding portraits and such. I may be getting my old design job from 5 years ago at Robin Ruth (they were my job in Holland after I quit fashion academy). I'm going to send tshirt sketches over the weekend, which I still haven't started.

Under Personal Drama:
I had a meltdown sometime earlier this month, moved to Tel-Aviv to find work and an apartment. That was an experience to remember.

I was very cross and miserable when I crashed at my friend's flat. She has a beautiful apartment, btw. I planned to stay the week and get sorted. The only way I'll go back up North, I decided, was to collect my things.

But, of course, I'm sad to say, things didn't turn out that way. I did, however, for the first time in my life went looking for a job. My friend Tali was very supportive and helped me find the courage to walk into shops and ask for a job. Which is how I discovered that getting a minimum wage job isn't hard at all. I went into 10 shops, I think, and I had 3 who wanted to hire me immediately. On one hand that's awesome, on the other amazingly stressful, because I then had to skip them all and turn them down and I'm afraid I burned bridges. Also, how the fuck do people live on these wages?!

I also went to a job interview in an branding company who urgently wanted me to start illustrating for a project. I had to go back up North to my studio and all my things, since I didn't even bring my computer. I'm hoping this gig will be a positive experience if nothing more.

But you know what, I've since decided going back isn't a failure. Not so much. Still have no steady job. No money to support myself. But I don't feel as lousy anymore because I do know now that I can get a job.

Surviving completely independently though is a different matter. Fuck. Found out I'll have to either have 2 full time jobs and a very well paid 3rd freelance job to keep a small studio apartment or have 1 roommate. So I guess I'll be roomming with 2 + again. Once I'll find a flat. I've put a hold on the search (will it ever get done? Will I ever move??) but I want to pick it up again in late March.

Under Personal Accomplishments:
My work got featured on the blog Creature Comforts! Yey!
I'm creative again. Productive. Give me work!
And next month something's going down on Etsy that I hope will make my shop sell out like it's on Fire Sale. Very hush hush, keep your fingers crossed for me.

- Work work work
- Stock up shop

illustration, my shop, friends, job hunt, me, work

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