Because Times are Tough...

Jan 13, 2009 20:49

via fark

As The Early Show Saturday Edition's "Chef on a Shoestring," Freitag sought to take a traditional, three-course spaghetti dinner and give it a little twist any family would love - on our new, lower, recession-busting budget of $35.

Spaghetti Meal With Twist And On The Cheap

That budget works out to a yearly dinner budget of $12,775. First I must say LOL! Dear gods man, who at CBS decided that a $12.7k yearly dinner budget was "on the cheap"? I mean come-on! It's out of range of a lot of people's budgets and it isn't exactly a challenge for the chef. Do something reasonable or interestingly like a dinner budget of $5 and let's see what they get... Heck, grab some recipes from the Ron Konzak's Book of Ramen (which is a great cookbook btw).

Also found this community a while ago while looking at a /ck/ thread: cheap_cookin and their Cheap Eating Tips Post which contains a lot of basic information about eating well on the cheap.

Also on a side note:

thedogisdead: I managed to catch the first episode of Around the World in 80 Faiths on the net (too bad you can't watch it on the BBC's site unless you're in the UK - had to find it elsewhere) and while it's interesting it's more of a rapid fire quick peak at various groups with very little background on the faiths (though episode one was rather epic showing the Mandeans and the John Frum cult in Tanna). The first episode also had a bit on Wicca and the host seemed to generalize all pagans as Wiccans and followers of the Goddess though such lines as "That's because Pagans worship feminine fertility as the ultimate divine force they believe in a creator goddess: Mother Earth". I really hope he drops in on other forms of neo-paganism as he goes along on his journey.

cookery, religion, links

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