Adventures in Nora's Post Graduation Existential Identity Crisis: A Summer Odyssey

Aug 06, 2007 12:38

So much going on. I feel like I'm living my summer in very capsulated episodes. New this week:

The adventures of Auntie Nora and BUBBLE BABY!

Soooooooo cute.

(However, on the same trip I decided I probably really shouldn't live anywhere near my parents. We definitely have a better relationship... y'know... over the phone.)


we decided to head north to a.) escape baltimore. (bail, bail!) and b.) consider making to move permanent...ish. Basically... Katie fell into a fountain and Adam ran into everyone he ever dated in the state of PA. So.... Hell yeah I want to live there!

(got destracted by photobooth...)


So I get a call from my landlady today informing me that my lease doesn't actually run up at the END of August. Oh no... it runs out... on the 15th. So... I may end up... SOMEWHERE?? ANYWHERE?? a lot earlier than I was expecting. AAAAAAHHH HelP!!

ANYWAY- that's it for now. Tune in next week for Adventures in Nora's Post Graduation Existential Identity Crisis: A Summer Odyssey.
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