This last week has gone by so swiftly, and I haven't been good about updating that which has happened. I can't even remember it all, but, it mostly HAS been positive.
Work hasn't sucked.
I found my ipod, which has been under the couch for a month, apparently. It's good to have music again.
I did get the apartment. Got the papers signed. Paid the deposit. Payday was a couple days ago, and I have the first month's rent ready as soon as I can cash it, which will be Tuesday, as Monday's a holiday.
Now, it's just a matter of waiting for the current occupant to vamoose!
hastapeanut is going to provide me with some bookshelves, for which I am extremely greatful.
I had my first "Flaming Dr. Pepper last night. I never thought I'd like beer under ANY circumstances, but it WAS good!
There was other stuff, but I can't remember it right now. Maybe later.
I really should get some sleep.
Today is Sunday. I have the day off, as I wanted to go to Fetish Night, but, as I didn't cash my check on friday, (I'm a genius) I may not be able to get in. But, that's OK. My fetish wardrobe is, at present, severely lacking anyway. Something else I shall have to remedy in the future.
And, hey, look on the br... the brrrrriiiii --
Damn, I can't even TYPE it!
The BRIGHT SIDe!! (Feels kinda alien coming from me)...
This just means I'll have cash in my pocket for a longer period of time.
By my calculations, next payday is the 31st. Even if I spend what I got, I'll still be able to get the rent in on time. I'd just rather keep what I have for as long as possible. Just In Case™
=End Transmission=