Nervous Breakdown #404

Jan 02, 2008 00:00

Well, I am a bit late on this entry, even though I monkeyed with the date so that it still registers the first day of 2008.
New Journal, but I think I like this one. It suits me.
I now have one mostly for my cartooning, and another for being 'friendly' to folks outside of my city. I have one for my city (technically 3 for my city, but the other 2 ain't being used much.)
This one? This one is for...

That's a toughy. I should say that it is just for what the name implies. To chronicle all the times I up & lose it and feel like doing myself in. Oddly enough, I don't want that. Despite the name, I don't want this journal to be all negative.
I suppose I could start putting more of my comics and cartoons here for all to see, but that would kinda negate the other one.
I would put the unfettered truth here, but that would have DIRE CONSEQUENCES!! (BOM-BOM-BOMMMMM *dramatic reverb*!)

Nah. For once, I am not gonna pidgeonhole this journal into some bizarre "just for this only" category. That's why I have so many of these damned things now anyway!
Y'know what? Let's just run with this bitch and see where it takes us.

ENTRY #001
The new year started off pretty damned great.
I went to a party at a friend's house for NYE and got totally hammered. Of course, that was most likely because Alexarc made it his personal mission to see me drunk. I guess he thought I was gonna be one of those guys who takes off his clothes and makes an idiot of himself when drunk.
He don't know me vewwy well, do he?
I come from a long line of addicts, drunks and substance abusers. I was BUILT for drinking. That, coupled with the fact that I don't DO it often makes my liver clean and even stronger.
I retain memory as well, or, at least I USED to, but I'll get to that in a moment.
I remember that he tried to get me to fight the fucking Christmas Tree. I remember that I made an offhand compliment to Allie's ass. I also remember when she and her brother drove me home, I came in and I SWEAR I went to bed, but, apparently, I logged on to my LJ, and made a horribly misspelled drunken post.
THIS, I don't remember, and that worries me. This is the second time I have a memory gap in my entire history of getting drunk! I've been drinking (to excess) off and on since I was 15. (Don't freak. I said OFF and ON, which, until moving to this town of coffee and college and alcoholism was about twice a year on my birthday and NYE.)
The only other time I have EVER lost my memory was when I wound up in bed with Delia, and Karen caught us and broke up with me. Even then, throughout the day, bits and pieces returned to me, til I fit it all together. THIS time... NOTHING. The FIRST time that happened was about 4 or 5 weeks ago.
I was at work, I remember having 2 drinks, and then putting money in the jukebox. Next thing I know, it's noon the next day, I wake up in my "roommate"s bed, and apparently, I drank SO much that, as I got up and moved around, there was still enough alcohol in my system that I slowly got drunk ALL OVER AGAIN!!
I STILL don't know how I got home, and all the co-workers swear they never even saw me leave!
I won't let that sorta thing bother me too much in the New Year, though. Unless it becomes a problem.

As I said before, my New Year started off great. I got myself a motel room on New Years Day. A nice, WARM spider-free motel room with a hot, FULL-SIZED shower!
(I'll tell you about my current living conditions later).
Solitude, a warm bed, and my first time being able to watch TV in MONTHS.
I got home, put my stuff away and went down to the Black Drop for coffee and scones and drawing. I didn't get any drawing done, but that's OK. I'll have something done soon, I know it.
Mandi dropped by before work and on her break, and she let me place my face in her bosom. Needless to say, I was happy til I went to work.
Even work wasn't that bad. Henry made fried chicken. Not something one generally finds at a mexican restaurant, but WTF, I tried some. 4 BIG drumsticks later, I was indeed a happy man. Even work didn't suck as much as usual on the first shift of the year.
I even got to dress in my good shirt. Now, I just gotta rock the new bondage pants and buy some boots.
Well, it's almost 4 am. I should go to bed. I DO have to continue looking for an apartment today. I don't know what Mandi's roomie, Michael is gonna do.
I'm supposed to be taking his place when he moves out, but he doesn't seem to be really doing anything to further his plans to move.
He said he was gonna move MONTHS ago, and waiting for him to extricate his cranium from his anus is one of the many things that drove me to my disastrous move to Oklahoma and that cunt Brandi, whom I hope to never see again...
I don't think I am gonna trust him this time. I also don't wanna leave Mandi in a lurch, but if ANYONE will find another roommate, it's her. She's very personable.


mandi's boobs, motel 6, tits, alex, solitude, nye, mandi, drunk, nyd, anniversary, new year, good days, the past

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