Nov 11, 2006 20:34
So I've been out of touch recently.... Well for a while actually. I've been doing a quite a few different things.
- Applying for jobs
This has been a priority, I've been dropping off applications and talking to people but haven't had much luck. The only call back I've had was because someone mis-read my resume, they wanted my for my mangament experience... which I don't have. I still have my fingers crossed.
- I've been out and about
I've been trying to expand my circle of friends, and have joined a D&D group as well as a witches group. While I don't practice witchcraft I enjoy the art and a fair amount of the knowledge can be used with the knowledge Loki has given me... that and religion has always interested me. Also I've been out Airsofting (it's like paintballing but with plastic bbs) and just trying to keep sanity. I've actually met some people outside of work and they couldn't believe it was me... I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... they probably aren't use to seeing me though.
- I've been studing
I've been trying to piece things together about Loki, spirits and life. I've made a fair amount of progress including a deep insight to Loki's thoughts and ideas. It actually is quite amazing what you can discover once you open the doors. It's also been ever difficult to comprehend all this information and come to terms with a few things about my part in.... I'm not sure what to call it plan? plot? scheme? I understand his idea, but I'm still a little unsure wear I fit in it.
- Preparing for the "Hell"a day season
I've never been a fan of christmas, but that's mainly cause of the spin modern christmas theme... spend spend spend. It's really annoying in retail cause you have people screaming at you cause you don't know what they are talking about, or you can't find it. It's hyper annoying when they attack you while carrying a mop and bucket, and don't understand why you don't know everything, and can't stop and answer their questions.. they really don't understand "I have a mess I have to clean up" and "the restrooms are closed"...
Also I love my friends and miss all the ones still in AZ or the few in Iraq, but I get really annoyed with my extended family. especially the ones that keep trying to convert me saying "but you don't understand, we do this out of love" and I say "I've been there, it's not for me". The weather is getting really cold. as I write this the high today was 48 F, and we are expected to have snow in just two weeks! I'm looking forward to the snow, we hardly ever get snow so this is a rare treat!
All and all I'm doing alright, I've got most of my debts paid off. If I owe you please e-mail me so I can return the debt. I'm fairly certain I got all the friends. I mainly just have some medical bills, and I sure we all know how much of a pain that can be.
Justin - Kami-sama