Dec 18, 2006 08:22
Okay so it has been a LONG time since I updated my Journal. Life has been extremely busy. Sometimes I even begin to wonder how I get everything done I have to. I swear there must be more than 24 hours in a day.
I am happy to say that with 7 days until Christmas I am done with gift shopping, Christmas card mailing and wrapping. Man is it hard not to buy your kid the whole toy store during this time.
Let see here is an update on everything me:
-Going to Puerto Rico for Christmas, leave in 2 days. This will be the first one I will be without Isabella; her dad has her this Christmas. I am certainly not looking forward to it, but I do need the break from being a mom for a couple of days and take care of me.
-My ex and I are actually talking, which is great. We are not being mean to each other any more so that's a positive, especially for Isabella.
-I wrote Chapter four of I Don't Love you, currently with Beta.
-My new house is in it's dry-wall stage. :)
-I entered the D/Hr community fic exchange for Valentines Day. As if I needed more on my plate.
-Prophecy is going good. I am now in addition to the special guest chair the sponsorship co-chair. I know I can see my hair turning gray now.
I think that is for now, I am starting to read a new book, just have to find it. lol
No honestly, I am starting to read The Chronicles of Narnia. I watched the movie coupole of days ago and really wanted to read the book. So I figured I would read it while I travel. Though now with the fic exchange I may not.
Oh so much to do so little time.
Blessings for all and a Happy Christmas.