HTGAWM 2x07 "I want you to die."

Nov 06, 2015 22:02

I did NOT expect the title words to come from Bonnie towards Annalise At. All. She's shown how totally committed she is to Annalise but the revelation was obviously a huge dealbreaker. And it probably didn't help that the hurt had time to ferment while Annalise was having her effervescent hook up with Eve (and ignoring her calls). That final fight was as awful as the one with Sam. (Why do we hurt the ones we love the most? Maybe because we can.)

And yesssss EVE. Just how incredibly vibrant did they both look when they were together? She is so perfect for Annalise. <3

"You are such a good person!"
"I'm not."
"Fine, you're not. But I still get to think so."

How fast did she recover from the witness saying the wrong thing?! Devious and quick on her feet. <3 And I love how she shows her "fearlessly breaking the law for justice" side this ep the same way Oliver does.

"Oh my god you are one of us now!" (!!!) How delighted was Michaela? And how utterly appalled was Connor? XDDDD

ETA: Here's ScruffySexyCool's profile. Oliver you trolllll

"No, I'm not a model." "Looking for other chill hotties. Skinny dudes++++"

Oliver's been headed in this direction for awhile though- he's been listening to them come up with devious saves and contributing to those devious saves with the evidence. Makes you wonder how boring it really is to work in IT in an advertising agency- I always thought of it as making pretty websites/graphics for ads.

I lovelovelove the Coliver fighting! And I made GIFs but LJ is being a pain about pic editor (or maybe GIFs have to be under 1MB here?) so I will post this and then edit, ugh.

Everybody is all going crazy over Protective!Connor, and I get that, but Oliver has held way more emotional clout ever since 2x02, and he's totally steamrolling over Connor's increasingly frantic concerns (and misusing his selfies without permission). Yeah, it's fun to dig up dirt and solve legal mysteries, but flat out lying and defying your super-worried boyfriend is not cool. Of course said boyfriend has not revealed how deep the rabbit hole goes, and all Oliver gets to see is the saves he's gotten the team (and Michaela and Frank being all impressed and even Annalise being grateful!). AND THEREFORE THE WORST ACTUALLY HAPPENED. *cries*

NOT SPECCING ABOUT THAT AWFUL NO GOOD ENDING (and the awful no good promo to go with). I AM FIRMLY HOLDING ONTO TWITTER SPOILERS TO KEEP ME SANE. (Although it could be serial killer boy playing back something he recorded them doing... :OOO) But I'm hoping this is going to lead to a confession about Murder Night #1 if/when we get Oliver back. SEE OLLIE. BAD THINGS HAPPEN IN MURDER CLUB. GIVE YOUR SELF-OBSESSED PRETTY BOY A LITTLE MORE RESPECT BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY WAY MORE OBSESSED WITH YOU THAN HIMSELF. AND DON'T DIIIIIEEEEEE. :(((((

Also in the flash forwards: looks like Bonnie shoved Sinclair over the wall, but since the blood is all over her white blouse in a previous flash forward (and yet her jacket was very firmly on in that last shot in this one) she probably had something to do with Annalise getting shot as well? Or she fought with Sinclair first, since her eyes look like, gouged out, and then dumped the body to try to make it look like there was a different cause of death?

And Connor and Michaela were going to confess at last! They're a strong enough team to stand firm together! <3 And naturally, got their parade rained on with an actual falling body, bwahahahaha. THIS SHOW.

Also: so much spec about Wes being a secret baby. I'm thinking I need to rewatch the pilot, but she talked about her and Sam having trouble getting pregnant while touching him weirdly, right? I'm really hoping "It's HIM." has something to do with a case that she and Eve worked on ten years ago. Like this strikes me as a need for redemption and not protection of one's own? (Also I was hoping for Caleb to be a secret baby, hence her eagerness to steal the Hapstall case in the first place. But maybe we are secret babied out with HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED UGH)

reaction post, htgawm

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