So what the heck have you been doing all year, dear?

Dec 29, 2014 23:19

Well this is the first time I've tried to quantify all this fic writing so here are the stats for the year:

Fandoms written for: 2- this is a new thing for me. I usually do one fandom at a time, so this straddling business is a bit weird.

Fic written: 40240 words for HTTYD fandom, 5015 for GotG fandom. Both long fic and one shots. I'm proudest of the longer pieces, but Starry Eyed Waif was so much fun to write. LOL

[full fic stats under here]



Like wow, that is a lot of views on Learning to Fly. It's still nowhere near Full Circle or Revolutionary stats, but hey. People are reading what I write. That's awesome. :D

Meta written: 2446 words for HTTYD (mostly posted on tumblr)

Goals for the new year: finish New Romantics and get cracking on the novel. Like, one thing about Learning to Fly and Treacherous: I wrote them like it was my job. I really have to start doing that for this novel, especially once kiddo number two is in preschool.

writing, meme

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