On writing

Nov 08, 2012 19:43

After a lot of thinking the last few days, I think I've gotten enough practice writing and editing fanfic and should move on to working on original fiction. My husband and I actually went on a date when we were in Tokyo this past weekend- first time in about three years. (My SIL is awesome and volunteered to babysit.) And one of the things we talked about that we never usually talk about is my writing: where am I going with all this? I spend so much time writing and researching --4 or 5 hours a day-- and certainly I have the mechanics pretty well mastered. So why am I wasting time on fanfic when I have this great idea I've been sitting on for years? (Also he hates this new squadron, so he wants to quit and have me bring home the bacon instead. XD) 
I want to finish Revelations, but it is Nanowrimo this month. Honestly, it is hard to stay motivated as well when the fandom isn't big on the fic. :P So I am going to focus on grinding out as much novel as I can instead of writing fanfic, if I can help it. I WILL GET THIS DONE. Anyway, if anybody on the f-list is doing Nano too (charlie_bz is the only one I can think of?), I'm nrgburst there as well, and I'll be working on a fantasy novel called CON. Not sure how to add buddies on there yet, but feel free to add me. :)

writing, thoughts

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