The Arashi greenroom is never silent

Dec 24, 2017 10:48

Title : The Arashi greenroom is never silent
Pairing : OT5, Aimiya, Ohmiya if you squeeze hard *smirk*
Length : oneshot
Rating : pg
Disclaimer : fiction
Summary : “I’m glad I’m in Arashi.”

The Arashi greenroom is never silent. Even when they are not talking to each other, there will be sounds produced by the activities they were doing.  Even when they are sleeping, they will snore. In short, the greenroom is NEVER silent except for the times when rumours about any member is released. By then, the room will be silent as they gave the involved member space to relax before discussing about it with management later on.

Today is one of the rare day where Arashi greenroom is silent. There is a nasty dating rumour again and Aiba Masaki, the mysterious guy, whom his private life is pretty much unknown to the public is now the one facing the rumour. There were pictures, luckily not of the two love birds scattered around the net curtesy of a gossip tabloid they hated so much.  However, the day passed fast despite the rumour. True to his nature of miracle, the luck is always on his side when later the same day, the news of a K-POP idol who committed suicide crashes the internet and his rumours seems to be forgotten. Arashi also didn’t talked much about it as they are more occupied with the suicide topic, saying their prayer to the poor guy, his family, friends and fans.

The management thou, did called Aiba (alone) to the office but he returned in about less than 10 minutes as they rushed to their scheduled works for the day. None of his activities seems to be cancelled or delayed due to the rumour (thank God). The day ended before them knowing it.

However, the rumour did took its toll on the person involved. Aiba Masaki, despite his air headed nature, is very disturbed with the news. He is very worried about his family, especially his mother who already received a lot of questions from people around her. Every time a rumour rises, people near him had to suffer too. He did not care much when he was rumoured with a celebrity because he know that the other side have her own manager. Being rumoured with a non-celebrity means that his partner will have to face it alone, without guide, and despite knowing that the said partner is a strong-willed woman, he is very worried about his girl.

The only way of communication they are using now is via their mobile phones. He constantly talked to her. He himself know it very well that the most important thing in such time is continuous communication. He cannot leave her alone even when she said she is okay. The constant worrying is very tiring and his full schedule did not help. Aiba Masaki is suffering inside, more than he bothers to show the world.

Of course Arashi is the first one to notice the suffering of their member. They went through this too many times but Aiba rarely faced this thing so they can immediately tell that he is seriously bothered. With their year-end schedule, they cannot do much to help except for being as supportive as they always are. Aiba is really thankful to his members but it also make him feel guilty and worried that he might ruined the group’s dynamic with the rumour. This year, he is no longer excited about his birthday and Christmas, he just wish the year ended quickly and without problems.

Seeing the cheerful Aiba Masaki being gloomy and worried all the time is hard, especially to one Ninomiya Kazunari. But telling him to stay strong feels so wrong when he knows himself how strong his best friend is. There is no more Aiba’s usual ‘genki aisatsu’ as Sho called it, no more his too loud voice which has become the drug of the group. Arashi can no longer survive without it, they practically craved for it and not getting it took its toll on the group too.

“Urghhhh I cannot take it anymore! Damn that tabloid! I’ll kill the writer!” Nino suddenly burst as soon as he saw his best friend walked out from the greenroom with a slump back. The sudden outburst was unexpectedly expected by the other members.
“What’s the plan? I know someone that might be useful.” This is unexpected when Sakurai Sho is the one saying it, earning two flying cushions from Matsumoto Jun.

“Who are you and what you did to our Sakurai Sho?”

“Kowai Sho-kun..” said Ohno Satoshi. The said Sho-kun chuckles and they laugh their brain off.

“Ahh, that feels good! When is the last time we laughed like that?” Nino said after the calmed down.

“I wish Aiba-chan is here too.” said the leader. Silence again.

“We need to do something. His birthday is coming up right. I have a plan. Who’s in? Okay everybody!” Nino announced without leaving any options for the others.

“You might as well not ask.” Even he is smirking, everybody knows Matsumoto Jun is completely on the same ship as Nino.

Throughout the week, Arashi is very busy with individual and group works. The 4/5 of them somehow managed to do several private meetings to prepare their surprise party for their sun as they hope he will shine again soon. Nino is specially very particular about everything, surprising the others along the way.

“Nanda yo? Nino is scarier that Matsujun during concert.” Sho complain when he was lectured about not being serious.

“Oii! What do you mean?” The said Matsujun smacks Sho’s shoulder lightly as a protest.

“That is just how much Aiba meant for him, even when he wouldn’t admit it.” Said Ohno Satoshi while having a warm eyes on the smallest member who is still on his phone, confirming reservation.

“Sou da ne. Are you not jealous Riida?”

“Sometimes ne.. But I won’t complaint because I know Aiba-chan will do exactly the same for him if the situation is reversed. Maybe more than what I can do.”

“Nino will not be rumours with girls as YOU are dating him dakedo ne?”

“Ah, that’s true but we never know with these paparazzi..” and the three of them just nodding their agreement.

After much of hard works, Arashi finally finished their work for the day, which is the Music Station Special performance. They enjoyed the performance and have fun with the fans. As usual, this is the best part of year-end, having fans very closed to you while making them happy with the songs and dances. After the job ended and everybody is finished changing, the 4/5 of Arashi start their plan.
“Okay let’s go drink! First round on me.” Sakurai Sho stands up and shouted.

“Ikouuuuuu!” said the other. They are silently relieved that Aiba is cooperating and agrees to go too.

“I’ll drive. I bring my car today. Tell your managers to leave first.” said Matsujun. As they are heading to the restaurant, Nino is constantly checking his phone but luckily that is the habit of him so nobody suspect anything. And having Sakurai Sho in between him and Aiba did great wonder as Aiba did not even noticed the one Nino is texting.

They arrived in no time and immediately ushered to the private room that is previously booked. This somehow triggered Aiba’s attention.

“Ah, you guys planned something don’t you? It is almost impossible to have private room available this time of the year without prior reservation.” He smirks as the other members gulp in nervousness.

“How dare you question my influence?” And Matsumoto Jun come to the rescue with his fast and snarky respond. Aiba, even being totally aware of his bandmates doing decided to just enjoy the kindness and go along.

“Ah, forgive me. I forget how much of a king you are.”

When they entered the room, they immediately ordered foods and drinks. The drinking party started without problem and the 4/5 of Arashi is very happy to see Aiba is enjoying the night. Just when they see Aiba started to be a little tipsy, Nino signals the waitress to bring in the surprise. The lamp of the room went off and the waitress comes in bringing birthday cake.

“Horaaaaa I knew it!” Aiba is laughing happily as he saw the cake. He is very happy to know that his members love him so much that they planned this after their full and tiring day. However his laughter dies when a familiar music starts playing and a very well-known voice to him starts to sing.

“What shined was neither the mirror nor the sun but you. Since then
Behind those tearful clouds is always a smiling moon. Another love story
Take the wounded dreams to yesterday
The sky will echo with the song of love

The sky will always, always remember the memories, even if we drift apart
For the guy I love so much, even if we won’t meet the second time
Shine more, you’re the best man. My feelings will definitely, gently reach to you
Believing is everything. Love so sweet

So that you’ll always be able to see from there
I’ll spread my arms towards the sky and memories with you will spread
Your hands that changed
My stubborn and arrogant self. Love story will start

Our two winding paths will
Will be one rainbow here.
My dream of always, always chasing after our memories. Even if our distance grows
No matter how tough the night gets, no matter how hopeless the promise is
Laugh more, you’re the last man. My prayers will definitely, gently reach to you
The sun will always rise. Love so sweet

The love I couldn’t express completely
Will turn into flowers and fall on the city
No matter where you go I’ll always feel your presence here

The sky will always, always remember the memories, even if we drift apart
For the guy I love so much, even if we won’t meet the second time
Shine more, you’re the best man. My feelings will definitely, gently reach to you
Believing is everything.
The sun will always rise.
Believing is everything. Love so sweet”

He was so occupied with the cake and overflowing feeling of love from his bandmates, he did not notice that behind the waitress bringing the cake, there is his girlfriend with an acoustic guitar in her hand. The moment she start singing, only he realize how much he misses her. By the second chorus, his bandmates started to sing along. Being the crybaby as he is, Aiba cry his heart out the whole song. When song ended, he steps forward to hug the also crying girl and kisses every inch of her face. He keep saying ‘I miss you and thank you’ while crying.

He only stops when he heard a snarky “get a roooommm” from his bandmates. He turns his way to them and find eight hands widely open towards him. The hug is damn emotional it could warm the whole Antarctic. Aiba immediately found the strength rushing into his veins.

“Okay, we will now read our letters to you. Now sit down and let’s make you cry again shall we?” said Nino. Aiba was guided back to his seat and the letter reading starts from their leader.

“Dear Aiba-chan, happy birthday. As usual, thank you for being healthy and alive this year. There are a lot of things happened but here you are, as strong as ever. I will never let you break, so please remember to lean on me whenever you need it. Ohno Satoshi.”

“To Aiba-kun, happy birthday. I pray for your happiness and well-being to year too. Thank you for not giving up on us during the hard times we faced. Honestly we cannot do it without you. These hard and tiring times are easier thanks to you. Please stay as Arashi’s beloved forever. Sakurai Sho.”

“Dear my nakimushi nakama, happy birthday. We know each other for years and never once you failed to amaze me on how strong-willed you are. It’s annoying how perfectly you manage to lighten the heavy environment around us and make it bearable again. I wish we will stay like this forever, as Arashi. Matsumoto Jun.”

“Aiba-shi e, happy birthday. I hate it to admit, but damn you make my life a mess by just being sad. I hate you sad. Don’t do it again! Next time you are feeling sad, come to me immediately. I will take care of you ne, I swear.” In the middle of his speech, Nino’s voice cracks and he began to cry. Aiba who is already crying, cry harder.

“Baka, don’t cry while reading!” Matsujun went up and smacks Nino’s head.

“Sorry, here it goes. Etoooo, thank you for always lending us you beautiful heart, your warm hugs and your sincere love. I wish I have such heart too but we only need one angel, so you fit perfectly. Don’t ever die on us, we are one because there are five of us. Happy birthday dear sun, may you return your shines on the earth, on Arashi, and on me. I miss you Masaki. Ninomiya Kazunari.”

Just when Nino ended his letter, Aiba crushes his best friend as he bear hugs him. Nino surprisingly did not push him away, instead, he hugs him back equally as hard.

“Welcome back Masaki.” Said Arashi.

“I’m back.” Said Masaki. This year also, his birthday is great thanks to the four men he treasured the most in his life.

“I’m glad I’m in Arashi.”

It's 24th December again. Happy green day minna-san! And my dear sunshine, Aiba Masaki-san, happy 35th birthday. Thank you for being born, alive and healthy. Thank you for being our sun all these while, making us happy. Please remember to make youself happy too okay. Whatever your choice is, I want you to know that I believe in you. And I will continue loving you. I love you so much Mr. Miracle. Take care of yourself and enjoy your birthday :D :D

friendship, arashi, ot5, aibaxoc, aiba, fluff, aimiya

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