Tell them there's no such thing as time, its our time

Apr 05, 2005 15:19

In a fantastic mood.
The weather is beautiful, my day was lovely and things are finally looking up. It's nice to be happy. The girls in 4th mod are completely hilarious and so fun to be around. Also, got a VENTI frap today compliments of my slut Neal, and I just can't think of a thing in the world worth complaining about. This is good, this is very very good!

As we grow up we learn
That even the one person that wasn't
Supposed to ever let you down, probably will.
You'll have your heart broken more than once
And it will hurt more every time.
You`ll fight with your best friend and
You might even fall in love with him.
You'll cry cause time is passing so fast,
And you'll eventually lose someone you care about.
So take too many pictures;
Laugh too hard,
And love like you've never been hurt
Cause every minute you spend mad or upset
Is a minute of happiness you'll never get back
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