Mar 16, 2008 17:46
Those of you who know J know he's totally, well, what's the right word to use? Crazy? Anyway, he's a total geek - and he loves kites. At Christmas one of his presents (from yours truly) was a kite built to look like the Black Pearl. It's actually hilarious - we were in Costco together, and he saw it, declared he must have it, and put it in the cart. I picked a fight and put it back -- see, I had already bought it two weeks before. Anyway, for a variety of reasons he has yet to fly this kite - we keep meaning to and forgetting it (it's fairly large). Indeed, I even had to get emergency kite supplies last month (I know have emergency kites in my trunk - next to the first aid kit and jumper cables).
Well, anyway, he flew the Black Pearl today, over Jackson Pond. And eventually it shipwrecked. Eventually we got it out - still cleaning seaweed off its hull.