Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince Release Date Pushed Back?!

Aug 14, 2008 19:01

This is what I wrote to the all the contacts (from below):
       WB must be completely consumed by their own greed or just plain stupidity to have even considered this decision of pushing back the release of Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. I am absolutely disgusted by this decision! Throwing in the lame excuse of some after effects, or 'repercussions', of the writer's strike has not made this any more acceptable and has actually made it even more disgusting; had to come up with some other excuse besides the immense greed of WB, right. It is total BS. I will not accept this decision WB has made. They know how long fans have been waiting for this next installment in the series and they got the fans hopes up with setting it for this year and to now change it to NEXT YEAR?! You are completely alienating loyal fans by this act of greediness and selfishness. See if this fan helps your profits of this new summer release date. I was first a huge fan of the books J.K. Rowling brought to life, before the films even were thought of, and consider myself a loyal fan to both the books and films. This is disappointing, which is a complete understatement.

The Story:
-> http://www.hpana.com/news.20576.html

-> http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/harrypotter6
-> http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/HPHBPNov21/
-> http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/HalfBloodPrince

Domestic Contact:
Susan Fleishman, 818-954-1919
International Contacts:
Jayne Trotman, 020 7984 5222
Desiree Finnegan, 818-954-3397
Head of Harry Potter Production Publicity:
Vanessa Davies, 011-44-192-368-5131

hp&hbp release

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