The Tiger Woods Apology

Feb 20, 2010 08:05

So the Tiger Woods Apology is currently being aired on two channels simultaneously. I will admit that my first thought was pretty much, "Whatever, you zombie-eyed freak" (seriously, those are the glassiest pair of eyes I have ever seen and it was quite disconcerting). But once I got over that, I'm left wondering why this is even being televised.

The guy cheated on his wife numerous times with numerous women. Not the wisest move, but is it something that needs to go beyond the usual tabloids?

This is not news.

This is not our business.

This certainly has nothing to do with the public interest (even it is something that some of the public may be interested in).

This has the hallmarks of a deliberate, manipulative PR stunt.

I'm not suggesting that he doesn't regret the entire debacle. But, dude, if you want to show remorse, show it to your family not the world's media. Do you really need a conference room of reporters with you when you read a prepared statement to a select group of "friends"? You don't think that makes the whole thing look a little disingenuous?

Oh, scratch that: it wasn't a conference room. Of course. This sincere, heartfelt, tearful event would take place at the TPC Sawgrass golf course, home of PGA no less, wouldn't it? But there's nothing contrived about that.

Incidentally, interesting timing for this unnecessary public display - during the World Golf Championships. Woods' statement suggested that the timing was necessary because he will be leaving "for more treatment and more therapy" tomorrow. Even if I entertain the notion that a televised apology was necessary (and I'm still not convinced), if you had enough time to prepare a statement and organise this circus, I think you had enough time to do this before the Championships began. The Match Play Championship (sponsored by the first people to drop Woods, Accenture) started on Wednesday. Why not start the week with your apologetic spectacle and allow your golfing colleagues to get on with things? At the end of all this, I'm not thinking, "Oh, that poor Tiger. He's so sorry for the damage he's caused and determined to turn over a new leaf and make a fresh start" - I can't get past, "You can wrap it any way you like, but I'm not buying what you're peddling".

This was a particularly nice touch:
I would like to thank my friends at Accenture and the players in the field this week for understanding why I'm making these remarks today.[1]

Hmmm... You know, Tiger, I'm not sure that they will. [2]


whatever, 'news', tiger woods

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