Pixar grants girls dying wish

Jun 20, 2009 09:53

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Pixar grants girl's dying wish to see 'Up'
"Colby Curtin, a 10-year-old with a rare form of cancer, was staying alive for one thing - a movie.
From the minute Colby saw the previews to the Disney-Pixar movie Up, she was desperate to see it. Colby had been diagnosed with vascular cancer about three years ago, said her mother, Lisa Curtin, and at the beginning of this month it became apparent that she would die soon and was too ill to be moved to a theater to see the film.

After a family friend made frantic calls to Pixar to help grant Colby her dying wish, Pixar came to the rescue.

The company flew an employee with a DVD of Up, which is only in theaters, to the Curtins’ Huntington Beach home on June 10 for a private viewing of the movie...

Colby died about seven hours after seeing the film."

There are some wonderful people working in that company...

pixar, kindness

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