Jun 08, 2004 21:35
omg i totally hate john he's such an ass!!!! why does he always have to bother me!!! he's so gay!!! if he hates me why doesn't he just leave me the hell alone???? but no he can't do that he has to bother me at cross country and he has to post in his buddy profile that he hates me....
Dont you just love it when you know your right and the other person knows too but they just wont admit it.
and that there is in his profile and of course he's refering to me but he's not right I'm right and he always starts the fights...... i hate him..... grrr....i don't like him..... He made fun of my camara today and he flipped me off 3 times and I wasn't even doing anything..... hate him with a fiery passion
ok now that i've vented um..... i had to talk to Mrs. Wolf about getting Mr. Otte fired..... um ya.... i tried taking up a whole page in Cameron Benton's book but it didn't really work very well......um ya.... today was kinda boring..... i still have tons of stuff to do and i really need to work on my at box.... so ya... mr scott is gay