
Jun 19, 2010 14:51

So let's start with my intro, I'm Efraim Velandria, 21 yrs. old Male. and still a student. other details are at my facebook account and you can reach it by clicking here

and What do I do? i Do Stuffs like drawing, some of my artworks can be found in my tokyopop account which is reachable through clicking here, also have a deviantart just click here to view it , and some in my facebook account.

Most of my artworks are based in manga style just like these

I also create Digital artworks like these here:

uhm, well i think I'm not that good at photoshop XD, i'll just have to keep on practicing.

I also Play a Bass Guitar in a band

You can checkout our band's details by visiting this link here

well, that's all about me. intro ends here.

anime, photoshop, drawing, manga, band

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