I mean, could it have BEEN any longer?!?
Well, actually, yes it could have.
But I have driven the drought of words away, and come back to the world of blogging with my thoughts (very few recently) and....
Drink recipes?
So I was looking online. I can't resist seeing recipes with sour mix in them, YUM!
So my list of drinks to try:
Wild Squirrel Sex
Flying Purple Squirrel
Dib Dab Recipe
Tropical Orgasm
El Presidente Cocktail #2
Neon Smurf
courtesy of
www.drinksmixer.com, if you want to look them up.
In other areas of my life, let me recap my coming home:
I came home, went to DC, came back, started work, worked for a week, yard saled, shopped 'till I dropped, worked again, yard saled again, exercised and help my mom get her new treadmill, sold books on Amazon, cleaned my room, worked again, shopped again, and because I hadn't spent enough money ALREADY I also went shopping online at Sephora. Jeez. Talk about spending tooooo much....
Oh, and I also fit in a dinner with my grandmother and a visit with the other grandparents and then also another visit plus dinner and video watching plus another visit for breakfast. And I can't sleep past nine anymore. Yuck.
And I got hair cut and ears pierced, and my hair is so short it takes me twenty minutes to straighten it.
And my thoughts on all this: Love the hair and earrings, love gap jeans curvy low rise, banana republic, while priceym fits my blooming fashion hopefully not fiascos, you can never have enough purses and you can never have too many flip flops. Or pairs of sunglasses. These all come in handy. And new movies are always appreciated. And maybe you should stop buying underwear when you have enough to wear for over a month. All with sayings on them.
On the negative, I am behind on all my shows. The internet connection is too slow at home, so I have to wait for a convenient time at work to do my viewing. Which so far has been never.
And I saw Pirates 3. And am addicted to Drake and Josh. Jeez, I am a dork.
Plus I have driven once since I got home (that's serious work on getting my license peeps.... if I only had to drive twenty feet to pass my test).
And my cat, after a stint of skinnyness, is getting pudgy. This is new for her. I thought cats got bonier as they aged, and she is almost 20. But no, she is getting fatter and stealthier. She caught a chipmunk today.
AND I planted a carrot garden. AND a blackbear tried to come eat it up. I did not shoo him. He was too big, and there was only a screen between us.
Mmmkay, that's enough for now. But I will be back, have no fear!
(oh, also preordered HP. Oh yeah.)