Yesterday was a great day. I had the day off, which is always nice. Squeak came over 2 use the computer and request his UCSD transcripts. Anna came by and picked me up. We hit La Jolla Shores, which was kinda crowded, but it was all good. She managed yet again 2 get me in2 the water. Never noticed the water has lots of
Pyrite in it. The effect was super cool, cuz I like shiny things.
While in the water, I noticed
something pick it's head up from under the water about a foot away from me. This thing was not a person. It was a seal. It looked at me and swam past me. I was not prepared 2 interact with nature. Nature is gross and scary. Not that I thought the seal was going 2 eat me, I'm not stupid. But my "Anna and I r the only living things in the Pacific Ocean right now" mental shield that I put up, which enables me 2 even get in the water, was now compromised. The Canadian, of course, thought this was hilarious. My concern was that
something that would eat the seal might enjoy including me as a dessert add-on. Anna assured me that the seal would leave me alone and we should keep swimming.
Just then a large wave came and I saw the seal swimming across through the wave and I officially tapped out. Sure, it sounds cute, until a motorcycle-sized water mammal comes hurling at U at top speed. It was a little freaky. Pretty sure I won't b going back in the water anytime soon. Shared the story with Mom, she called me a sissy, which was amusing.
Last night was awesome bcuz I got 2 see
"Spring Awakening", courtesy of Joe. It was amazing. The music was incredible per4med live and the story was so riveting. I think it's now 1 of my all-time favorites. Absolutely phenomenal. Love, love, love. Now I see why Cervenka was so about it.