Since my LJ posts seem to have their dates totally screwed and I don't think this posted to the friends page, here it is again: Anime box set sale, figured some of the people who read this might be interested: Outlaw Star, .Hack//Sign, and Witch Hunter Robin for $20 each, Onegai Sensei and Onegai Twins for $16 each, plus a bunch of stuff I don't recognize. Don't know how much longer the sale is on for.
Considering my love of Netflix and my total frustration at the decline in value of video games and trying to get what they're worth out of reselling them, I'm really considering getting a Gamefly account and never buying a game I don't think I'll play more than once ever again. By the time I usually convince myself to resell something that I paid $50+ for only a year ago, I'm lucky to get $5 for it if I can find a buyer at all. There are, of course, games I would never sell and games I will want to own a copy of, but things like Dark Sector which I'm interested in trying but know isn't worth the usual $59.99 new Xbox 360 price tag I could add to the queue, play through, send off and not be out any money. Assume I finish only one game a month and I'm looking at around $190 for the year. At current retail prices, that's only three new 360 games and I wouldn't even have to wait around until the price bottoms out and there's something even newer out that I want to play instead.
Anyway, enough rambling, I'm out.