There is only one single player achievement left for me to get on Contra on Xbox Live Arcade: Beating the game without continuing. I keep getting so close it hurts.
Just now was the closest I've ever come, I was in the last very last hallway, no more than two screen lengths from the final boss, with three lives left and died twice before I got to it then died again at it. I finished it off within seconds of spawning after continuing.....
It really is one of those achievements that you do for the bragging rights and not the points. I mean, hell, it's worth something like 25 gamer score points and takes hours of practice when you can get 1000 from finishing King Kong. The 360's achievement system is addicting as hell, but it is sort of frustrating that some games just hand them out for mundane activities and others require you to completely dole out the harshness on the game for your bragging rights.
Anyway, it's something like 3AM, my thumb is numb from four games of Contra in a row, and I should be in bed.