Year Six

Sep 17, 2007 18:21

So apparently I had lots to say this past year. I guess whatever readership I had will be rather difficult to rebuild.

Yes, this is my sixth year since graduation from high school, attempting to go for my Bachelor of Applied Science. No, not all of those years have been productive. Holding patterns I would call them.

So what has Nick learned after all these years you ask? I clearly need to add another.

Let me explain. I have three terms left. There is NO possible away I could cram the amount of courses I need into two. So three made sense. I changed some of the recommended terms around, and arrived at a nice balance three term (September of 08 being the third, not the summer) schedule.

Well two days before classes started I though that nice balance schedule out the window. I had my reasons. For starters, I had placed three "TECH electives" into the third term. I had yet to actually decide which ones I wanted. Well I had a choice of 50+ technical electives from various faculties. Mostly from EECE, but some additional ones from computer science, math, and commerce. Of these 50+ I had to choose three. Yes, a measly three. I had a list of a dozen courses I was looking forward to attend. So I decided the only reasonable thing to do would be to take all of them.(Well not quite.) I added a forth term, January 09, and with some careful rejigging of courses, I was able to fit seven electives, and a pre-req for one of those is. So my final schedule is:

Term 1 (Sept. 07) (17 Credits)
APSC 450 Professional Engineering Practise
EECE 364 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
EECE 412 Introduction to Computer Security
EECE 450 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
EECE 476 Computer Architecture
EECE 479 Introduction to VLSI Systems

Term 2 (Jan. 08) (19 credits)
EECE 320 Discrete Structures and Algorithms
EECE 359 Signals and Communications
EECE 360 Systems and Control
EECE 374 Electronics and Electromechanics
EECE 465 Microcomputer Systems Design
EECE 494 Real-Time Digital System Design

Term 3 (Sept. 08) (17 credits)
EECE 411 Design of Distributed Software Applications
EECE 419 Software Engineering Project
EECE 453 Communication Systems
EECE 456 Computer Communications
EECE 483 Antennas and Propagation

Term 4 (Jan. 09) (14 credits)
COMM 393 Commercial Law
EECE 454 Digital Communications
EECE 481 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
EECE 496 Engineering Project

Now there is one thing you must understand. The fourth year electives are like icing on the cake. They are what separate you from everyone else. They define what you are capable of. They are the first things you list on your resume under your degree. So to be limited to three was a bit of a shock to me. Now I've added four months (boo hoo at this point) and I made myself a lot more employable and knowledgeable. Plus I didn't have to choose between courses.
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