Drama du jour part deux

Feb 17, 2009 09:30

I received a reply to my response. I've been 'told'.  After rereading this I've come to the conclusion that this is a man in serious pain and his anger is misdirected. That said, I think he could be a potentially dangerous stalker. I feel very Anne Archer to his Glenn Close.  This letter is far more typical of what he has been sending on a twice weekly basis. I really wish Arnie wouldn't open himself up to these disturbed people. BTW... just so you know, I don't wear tank tops, Arnie has never offered to buy me my choice of BMW's - and the new truck I do have came with my very own car payments. Arnie doesn't drink, and is it really necessary to respond by giving me far too much information about his and his friend's lives?


If my memory serves me correctly, Arnie cotacted me. He came 'knockin on my door'. Not just once, but several times.

He then called me. He spoke with me for some time, then had to answer/return some pressing calls.

That time, then the following conversation, he asked why I lived in the Bakersfield area. I told him it was not a move of choice, since my previous two properties were/are 'on the water, "where I bar b qued watchin' sea gulls, sailboat races, and had 6 fully grown peacocks who claimed our property as their 'home'.

It was during this conversation, he had called me, had told me he owned 3 homes. Beverly Hills, Palm Springs and one on the beach. He asked if I would like to live in LA/Beverly Hills or in Palm Springs.

He then told me he was 'World Reknown', owned several exclusive cars (which he sent pics) of, writing on the email.. "We will do it".

He told me he wanted to get to know me, spend some quality time, take me out in the red sportster as well as the Rolls.

At 'this point'.... I was 'doubtful' that he was 'earnest' in character, which I questioned him. The 'array' of 'personal wealth' did not impress me, as much as the soul suffering within.

He gave me both his home and cell numbers.... Of which he called me from both.

I was very upfront with Arnie, regarding my Authoring a series of books. Of which, one is on 'Same Sex Attraction' (which was why I was running an Ad, providing massage, without sexual acts involved).

I would not meet with anyone, if they were adament about sex. I have spent over 12 yrs., interviewing over 35,000 men, sharing my 'Orientation' into 'Gaydom/Homosexuality'

I was molested by a man, against my will/desires at 14. Arnie shared his experience with me. Of which I have NEVER forwarded not ONE email between us, to not one person. Those things are sacred to me.

There was more than one discussion about me moving. About Palm Springs. I never 'asked' to live at any residence, period.

As for 'Providence', or 'how I believe'.... Arnie 'brought that up' of 'how he believes'; (nothing being 'chance' or 'circumstance') at his home in BH. I have 'never' believed he and I were 'meant to be together'.... Whatsoever.

It came to the point, where iin the discussion about Palm Springs (while it was being remodeled) that "IF" at some point in time, Arnie was sure about this discussion, I did NOT expect some 'handout'. I would work out of that home.

He even told me I would have a bigger clientele in that area. What was I supposed to think? My mind was spinning, trying to understand what this all meant.

Then I met you. I wanted 'no problems' with you, nor anyone else. I told Arnie this as well. I have never wanted nor 'asked' for anything from Arnie.

He told me to call. He told me to notify him, when I would be in the area. I did that. I was invited to bring XXXX to meet him. She witnessed the Berryessa Zodiac Slaying. It was her father. He raped her from the age of 4.

She had his son, at 14yrs old. It was a 6mo fetus, aborted; she held while her baby died in her arms. She witnessed him stalking, captured, tortured and killed.... Murder after murder, from the earliest age of 5.

The Foundation, ACTS, we have established non profit, to help Victims of Violent Crimes, Disabled, Mentally, Physically, etc.... To help them(us) succeed in life. Housing (they can buy), obtain employment, a career, climb out of poverty, overcome the shame, guilt, confusion, depression and provide VISION .. HOPE .....

Against my better judgment, I accepted Arnie's invitatioin, when he himself was unable to give me the address/directions.

When Arnie called me before this, very drunken, I told him then, please do not call me in that shape, 'boasting of his generosity' and fame.

He called back later and apologized.

I am truly sorry I accepted the invitation, when he could not even talk, giving you the phone. We would never come, being considered after the fact, as an intrusion... Not as guests.

That hurt deeply. We were confused. After driving 6 hours, XXXX with Pancreatis and Gall Bladder surgery overdue. You refused to even look at us, at any given time, while talking to us. You did look right at us, forced to because you would have collided with our car... We smiled, waved at you, you looked right at us, as we were trying to pull out of the driveway... And turned your head away, refusing to even acknowledge our Greeting, Gratitude even as we were leaving, Steve.

That 'display of emotion', was certainly 'Insolent' .. In comparison to your 'kicking your legs into the air bicycling'... Just minutes earlier, when Arnie gave you your choice of BMW......

Yes Steve. We 'got your message' loud and clear. No, it was 'inconceivable'.. Arnie would have you act so insolent, haughty and aloof. It made me physically sick, to be treated so 'bluntly' disdainful.

I am very sorry, we were invited to that experience, within your bedroom, you in the bed. Your briefs and tank top, gut n' glory all hangin' out for XXXX to meet Dr Arnold Klein? She'd been raped at 4yrs old, by a man. Her vaginal wall torn, ripped, her bladder burst.

Arnie understood her battered soul, and offered her a 'GIFT'. A gift no other man had ever considered her worthy. She wept for two days, off and on.

I took her on her FIRST vacation, she had EVER had, without some 'man' having alterior motives. I took her to Palm Desert, we stayed in a Villa.

Arnie .... I am truly sorry. I am a 'transparent man'. I've offered my heart in a PURE, UNADULTERATED 'FRIENDSHIP'.. Not sex. Not some 'Divine Predestined Love/Romance. NO... Why is it, that two men who have been sexually broken in life... Are 'suspicious' of a desire to just remain good, honest, true friends?

Arnie... Was it not you, offering XXXX a 'Chance of her Lifetime' ? And now you 'are too busy'?

Was it not you, who offered to refer us to an Editor and Screenwriter?

Was it not you, who asked me to call you when I was coming down to the LA area?

Did you not ask, to see some of the manuscripts, pictures, FBI and Police Files?

When I told you, I am/was the FIRST man in the world, who was the 'test human' for SNX-111 back in 1997, which now is FDA Approved and named 'Ziconatide'. It is one of the MAIN drugs, for AIDS patients'.. Did you not ask to know, read and understand more?

I was healed 'miraculously' of 'Adhesive Arachnoiditis', after laying in bed, 95 percent bedfast, for 14 yrs. My wife was 'braindead' in a coma (diagnosed NEVER to breath again on her own) and be a vegetable th rest of her life from aspirating, filling both lungs.. You and I spoke of all of these things for hours?

All I have 'asked' of you, is your shirt size. I asked you 'if' you were 'serious' about the friendship/relationship.. Or 'if' it was just 'empty/vain words'. It was not the 'fancy red car' I was seeking... It was a man of his word, period'.

I had already tried to convey without hurting anyone's feelings that living in your Palm Desert home, would not be a feasible alternative... Mainly because I did not want in the Drama Circle.

Yes, I plan to have an Art Gallery in Palm Springs/Palm Desert. Yes, all of my works will be 'tax deductible', as they, along with the true crime stories and the 10 other books along with my art, will funnel into the ACTS Foundation.

Did you not tell me you 'raised over 265 million' for the AIDS Foundation? These are the different groups of disabled people, we intend on helping. Helping find/offer housing, medical/mental support. To help them buy a home, something 'theirs'.

Victims of rape, incest, suicide, due to emotional hopelessness. China's picture? XXXX's only daughter? Took her own life, when she realized who/what her Grandpa was.

Exactly 'what motive' do I have, in accepting an invitation, and being tossed out within the hour we drove 5 or 6 to bring the things you asked me to bring?

Steve is saying 'you asked him' to inform me now, 'you do not trust me'?

Arnold Klein. Each 'phase' of this relationship... Have 'I' myself questioned many of the offers, words spoken, intents of the heart?

I have not 'felt free' to forward your emails to me... To anyone. I have kept those as confidential. Have I truly 'threatened' ........ Or 'inundated you' with endless, vain, self centered 'motive driven'.... 'Requests for contact'?

Or have I 'tried' to understand you, your offers, our talks ... In some attempt to follow up, clarify and offer an honest friendship....

You told me, you have prayed. You told me how you were raised. All I can ask, is for a deeper understanding. For the Truth of all of this to be made manifest.

I would never driven overnight, to intrude into your life ... Only to 'complain'. I packed your suits, paints and many of the pictures that are going into the books.. To share that with you.

Because I have some 'delusion' we are 'meant to be'...? No, Arnold. No. It was such an honor, to have your trust, and you opening your heart and life up to me... I wanted to paint you something. An original.

What is 'so WRONG'.. With all this? Barry Berman, copied/burnt me the Soundtrack for his movie 'WATERPROOF'. No soundtrack is available. I love the movie. He also wrote ,Benny and Joon.

My time is not as valuable as yours? You think we went out of our way to come visit you? I had no idea what the 'Morning' /Day had in store for us. It was 'your invitation'... Your plan for that meeting.... You question now, WHY I did not trust you 'throwing out' your fame? Your cars and homes? Your generosity?

And 'now'... That you have met XXXXX, offered to help her 'feel beautiful'... Feel 'renewed'... After 50 yrs of incestual abuse, beatings, murders, you cannot call me nor even write me, to say you have 'too many other projects' more worthy of your attention?

It is 'me' that cannot be trusted? Because I questioned 'why' and 'how' we were treated by your Lover .. If that is what he is.

Was it NOT yourself... Who asked to understand the Foundation? I have the most beautiful Prism creation for you. It is stuck in my other laptop..

I have been totally misuderstood, from 'forwarded copies' of my emails/letters to you. How would it make 'you feel', if I forwarded all yours to me.. For someone else to 'evaluate' you, your motives, personality, character ... Dr. Arnold Klein?

What are friends for? Would my 'motives' have been more 'trustworthy' if I would have been 'sexually open'... A verbal dom Dad type. ? Trauma runs so deep. To be treated as when one was first raped, molested, approached.. They seem to long for similar scenarios, in order to activate the dopamine levels that were first experienced.....

I have been totally upfront with you Arnold. Opened up my life and heart just as you did.

If you honestly believe I have 'come across needy' or some 'Divine Love' whatever. And now you have forwarded my letters for 'review'... Then why bother 'offering oneself', in all you have? You never 'offered' Steve, in all of this relationship.

Why invite someone to your home, if you know you are 'too busy' to really truly 'CARE'?

Were you trying to 'convince me' you were important, world famous and generous? Or was it you, you were trying to convince? Because I wanted a 'non sexual friendship'... I am no longer priority for the Foundation we are establishing?

AIDS cannot be passed sexually, if no sexual activity is performed. You devoted your time, money, passion, energy, raising 265 million dollars to help AIDS victims. That took some effort.

You called me Arnold. You asked me to come over. All I have tried to do, was respond and honor your requests. I do appreciate what you seemed to try to convey. I would never have come, had I known it was not an open day, as you had told me that was what your intentions were.... To open up sufficient time....not an 'intrusion'..

I am truly very sorry you think or have come to believe these things.


And what is it with those quotes on every other word?


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