Feb 10, 2009 10:14
Wow. Time here has really flown by. So much is happening and I don't know where to begin, so I'll start with today and work my way backwards.
Currently I'm sitting in the office waiting for a contractor to arrive in order to start the renovations to the lobby of Arnie's office. Bruce, who no longer works for Arnie - more on that in a bit, had consistently tried to undermine me in the previous project, resulting in a total lack of faith in my abilities, so when the lobby project was to get underway he was able to hire a friend of his to do the design. Well everything was designed without Arnie's review and nothing was moving forward. So I was brought in to manage the project and all hell broke loose. They were going to proceed without a contract again (just like last time), the estimate the guy provided was so loose that I wasn't comfortable with it. When I tried to get it nailed down, there were several omissions that would've added a significant amount of cost to the project. He failed to separate the capital improvements from the F.F. & E. items (Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment) This is critical because we can't bill the Landlord for items such as furniture, area rugs or refinishing of existing furnishings. Once Bruce was terminated, the decorator refused to revise his design and budget to fall in line with our requirements. So he was fired and now the original design with some slight modifications will now be implemented.
Saturday we met with some representatives with amFar who contacted us to do a fundraiser. I can't say much more about it at the moment, except that it will be an exciting event and I will be busy working on the planning of it. I really looking forward to it.
Thursday, Bruce was terminated. Let's just say that there were questionable unauthorized purchases made among other things that were discovered. My guess is that he hasn't been working his 12 step program and my suspicions of him drinking are probably correct. It saddens me to know that I was right about this, and what I had been telling Arnie the past couple of years was correct.
Thursday was also the day we flew from Palm Springs to LA in a helicopter. It was the first time I've ever been in one. It was pretty cool and I got to take some fun photos of the journey, I will be posting those on Flickr.
Time for my meeting. more later.